Information from University Advising Centre

Identifying best-fit courses, deciding where to apply, and finding out how to enrol in university can be both an exciting and a daunting prospect. As international school students, you are fortunate to have literally a world of choice available. Making sense of these choices and assisting you to identify the best options for you personally is where the University Advising programme can help.  

High school course selection is an important step for your high school academic journey and future university applications. The University Advising Centre will provide individual advising for Grade 10 students through this process. 

From February 13th - March 2nd, Grade 10 students will have an opportunity to meet with an advisor to review their course selection to ensure that their course package will help them achieve their academic goals.

IB Courses and Applying to Universities

This screencast provides an overview of IB course pre-requisites for applying to university. We recommend students watch this video before course selection and meeting with an advisor. Click here to view the presentation. 

Please also read our IB Subject Selection Guide.

Meeting with an Advisor 

From February 13th – March 2nd, students will have the opportunity to meet with a University Advisor to review and discuss their IB course package. 

(Please note that the Advisor students meet with in Grade 10 will not necessarily be their Advisor in Grade 11).

This meeting is required and will provide students with specific guidance for their future university and educational and career pathways.  These meetings are mandatory for students only. There will no parents in these meetings.

The assigned times are fixed.


Your appointment:

You can find your name by hitting Control+F and searching for your name. 

Please note that there are three tabs at the bottom of the sheet, and you may need to search each sheet. 

Preparing for course selection

After watching the screencast, complete the Subject Choices Planning Sheet to help you plan your course selection. Please check the Matrix of IB prerequisites for university to ensure that you are selecting courses that align with your future academic goals. 

It is very important that students speak with their teachers about subject guidance and complete the Subject Choices Planning Sheet before their meeting with a University Advisor.

(Final) Class of 2025:G10 Interview with UAC Advisors