Business Management

Group 3 subject

A student who has studied Business Management will be able to understand the complexity and dynamism of the business environment. Students study a variety of business situations with an emphasis on the changing nature of business within both local and global contexts. The focus of studies ranges from corporate social responsibility through to stock valuation. Students who have taken this course can progress from school to higher education or directly into employment in industry or commerce.

The course is based around four key concepts: creativity, change, ethics and sustainability. The course allows students to explore these concepts from a perspective and the concepts are central to our curriculum and approach to teaching and learning.

IB Business Management - HOD Course

Course content

  • Unit 1 - Introduction to Business management

  • Unit 2 - Human resource management

  • Unit 3 - Finance and accounts

  • Unit 4 - Marketing

  • Unit 5 - Operations management

For Business Management syllabus, click here.

Skills developed

  • enable students to develop the capacity to think critically

  • enhance the student’s ability to make considered decisions

  • enable students to appreciate the pace, nature and significance of change


Higher Level

External assessment – 80%

  • Paper 1: pre-released statement that specifies the context and background for the unseen case study– 25%

  • Paper 2: structured questions and a ‘concept based’ extended response question – 30%

  • Paper 3: Based on unseen stimulus material about a social enterprise - 25%

Internal assessment – 20%

Students produce a research project about a real business issue using a conceptual lens (word limit - 1800 words)

Standard Level

External assessment – 70%

  • Paper 1: pre-released statement that specifies the context and background for the unseen case study – 35%

  • Paper 2: structured questions and a ‘concept based’ extended response question – 35%

Internal assessment – 30%

Students produce a research project about a real business issue using a conceptual lens (word limit - 1800 words)

University courses and careers

A background in business is helpful in a wide variety of disciplines. However, it is also very useful in the study of law, international studies, political sciences, a wide range of business-related courses, and certain engineering courses.