Homework and Assessment

The purposes of homework are:

  1. Review: to consolidate, rehearse or practice work done in class. Ideally review homework is set for that night. Examples:

  • reading

  • key word lists

  • highlighting keywords in text

  • puzzles; crosswords and word searches

  • summary table/questions

  • memory/mind maps

  • categorising information

  • prioritising information

  1. Independent, creative or research tasks: to provide students with the opportunity to be more creative, reflective and evaluative. Tasks should be set with at least two nights’ completion time so that students can structure their homework time around their activity/rehearsal schedules. Examples:

  • notes/record of information independently researched

  • learning/memorising vocabulary, facts, script

  • reading and comprehension

  • essay

  • laboratory report

  • art work

  • creative writing

  • research homework

Weekly homework allocation guidelines

All students are expected to devote approximately 12 hours and 45 minutes per week to their academic studies outside class (for Diploma students, this equates to 2 hours per IB subject plus 45 minutes for ToK).

Teachers make clear how much time should be spent on a homework task and, if appropriate, differentiate homework according to students’ needs.

Coursework/holidays and revision

Assessed coursework and revision replaces homework rather than being set in addition to it.

Homework set during the last week of term for submission after the holiday should not be more than the normal weekly amount.

Timing and deadlines

All students are expected to abide by mutually agreed deadlines, unless there are genuine extenuating circumstances.

Teachers are sensitive to the demands on the students in the whole college environment and are receptive to student negotiation in advance of a deadline with regard to the amount of homework set and the deadline for completion.

Aside from short review tasks, homework set is not required to be submitted the next day.

Marking and assessment of homework

All major homework tasks should receive timely feedback in order to guide and motivate students.

Students are made aware of the assessment criteria to be applied to an assignment.

Reports and assessments

The IBDP and Courses programmes are two year courses culminating in external examinations. In Grades 11 and 12, students will receive periodic holistic attainment grades as well as Approaches to Learning indicators. During the year there are also Students Parent Teacher Conferences (SPTC).

Attainment indicators

7: Excellent attainment

6: Very good attainment

5: Good attainment

4: Satisfactory attainment

3: Some attainment

2: Attainment needs improvement

1: Low attainment

RJ: The student has only recently joined this class and it is too early to give an assessment

Approaches to learning

When determining a student’s development with the skills of Self Management, Collaboration and Communication, teachers consider the quality, frequency and level of independence shown in the indicators below:

Self management

Students’ ability to: persevere with an optimistic approach when faced with challenges; organise materials effectively; manage time and meet deadlines; reflect on strengths and areas for development; set and work towards goals.


Students’ ability to: support and encourage others; take responsibility for tasks within groups; contribute to discussions digitally; contribute to discussion face to face; respond to the contributions of others; compromise where necessary.


Students’ ability to: choose body language, content, tone and medium appropriate to audience and purpose; actively listen, read and watch; express ideas in written work; express ideas verbally; clearly structure communications.