Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS)

Students are involved in CAS for the whole of their IB Diploma and ideally spend 3-4 hours a week engaged in extracurricular pursuits. For most CAS experiences an adult supervisor will record attendance and evaluate the student’s contribution. CAS aims to challenge and extend students beyond the academic curriculum, and to develop a spirit of discovery, skills and interests. Many experiences involve a benefit to the community and encourage students to consider global issues and ethical outcomes of their participation.

CAS experiences can occur within the College or outside. Examples of creativity are working for college publications, drama productions, playing in music ensembles, as well as initiating and organising sports coaching. Activity includes playing sports and expeditions. All Grade 11 students are involved in a year of Local Service and most also do Service for Project Week. Service arising out of the academic curriculum and using skills learned in the particular subject, is encouraged. All students must also be involved in a project of their own initiation, covering more than one aspect of CAS, which follows a set procedure and demonstrates reflection at each step.

Students have a CAS Advisor, who visits mentor groups, and interviews students at least three times during the course. Students reflect on their CAS experiences using an online management system. These, along with supervisor evaluations, serve as evidence for the seven learning outcomes, to be demonstrated by the end of the diploma course. The CAS records are also used by mentors and University Advisors as an important source of information for writing references.

Graduation from UWCSEA and the IB Diploma are withheld if CAS requirements are not fulfilled.