Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS) (HL &SL)

Group 3 and 4 subject 

This exciting  course provides students a balanced perspective on the wide range of inter-relationships between the environment and different societies; one that enables them to adopt an informed personal response to the wide range of pressing environmental issues that they may very well come to face in later life. The course also encourages students to evaluate the scientific, ethical and sociopolitical aspects of environmental issues.

ESS takes a look at the environment from a systems viewpoint and attempts to understand its dynamic yet self-controlled nature. It leads to an understanding of humans as an integral part of the global environment and addresses issues such as population growth, resource usage, pollution management, conservation and sustainability.

The subject is a trans-disciplinary Group 3 (Individual and Societies) and Group 4 (Sciences) subject; students taking this course satisfy the requirements for both groups, allowing for more versatility in the IBDP package. Students taking ESS are able to take two Group 6 Arts subjects.

The course is suitable for those with an environmental interest but does require some scientific ability. A cross-curricular subject, it draws from the Sciences, Geography, Economics, Politics and Sociology and encourages students to look at the ‘big picture.’ This course complements Geography, Economics, Business, Biology and English. 

The HL course has three HL only lenses—environmental law, environmental and ecological economics, and environmental ethics.

Course content 

Grade 11 

The highlight of the Grade 11 year is the five day trip to Pulau Tioman, in Malaysia. During the trip, the majority of the internally assessed coursework is undertaken. 

Grade 12 

For ESS subject brief click here

Skills developed 


External assessment – HL 80%, SL 75%

Internal assessment – HL 20%, SL 25%

University courses and careers 

University degrees in Environmental science, environmental studies, environmental biology, environmental law, environmental engineering, sustainable development, horticulture, marine science, urban planning, climate change analyst, solar engineer, biodiversity and conservation,