Global Politics

Group 3 Subject

The 21st century is characterised by rapid change and increasing interconnectedness, impacting people in unprecedented ways and creating complex global political challenges. The study of global politics enables students to critically engage with different and new perspectives and approaches to politics, in order to better make sense of this changing world and their role in it as active citizens. Global politics is an exciting dynamic subject that draws on a variety of disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, reflecting the complex nature of many contemporary political issues.

The Global Politics course explores fundamental political concepts such as power, equality, sustainability and peace, in a range of contexts. It allows students to develop an understanding of the local, national, international and global dimensions of political activity, as well as allowing them the opportunity to explore political issues affecting their own lives. The course helps students to understand abstract political concepts by grounding them in real world examples and case studies. It also invites a comparison between such examples and case studies to ensure a transnational perspective.

HOD Global Politics Overview 2023.mp4

Course content

The aims of the course at SL and HL are to enable students to:

  • understand key political concepts and contemporary political issues in a range of contexts

  • develop an understanding of the local, national, international and global dimensions of political activity

  • understand, appreciate and critically engage with a variety of perspectives and approaches in global politics

  • appreciate the complex and interconnected nature of many political issues, and develop the capacity to interpret competing and contestable claims regarding those issues

There are four compulsory units:

  1. Power, sovereignty and international relations

  2. Human rights

  3. Development

  4. Peace and conflict

HL extension: Global political challenges

Two of the following six global political challenges must be studied.

  1. The environment and sustainability

  2. Poverty

  3. Health and disease

  4. Culture and identity

  5. Migration

  6. International security

For Global Politics HL syllabus, click here.

For Global Politics SL syllabus, click here.

Skills developed

The Global Politics course engages students with key political concepts and contemporary political issues in a variety of contexts and through a variety of approaches. Through teaching and learning in the subject, students develop a holistic and nuanced understanding of global politics and acquire the skills needed to analyse, evaluate and act on political issues they encounter inside and outside of the classroom.


SL external assessment – 75%

  • paper 1: (1 hour 15 minutes) – 30%

stimulus based paper based on a topic from one of the four core units; four compulsory short-answer/structured questions

  • paper 2: (1 hour 45 minutes) – 45%

extended response paper based on the four core units; students must write two essays from a choice of eight, each selected from a different core unit

SL Internal assessment – 25%

this component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course; this comprises an engagement activity upon which a report is produced

  • engagement activity (20 hours)

students undertake an engagement activity and then produce a 2,000 word report analysing the political issue explored in that activity

HL external assessment – 60%

  • paper 1: (1 hour 15 minutes) – 25 marks

stimulus-based paper on a topic from one of the four core units; four compulsory short-answer structured questions

  • paper 2: (2 hours 45 minutes) – 75 marks

extended response paper based on the four core units; students must write three essays from a choice of eight, each selected from a different core unit

HL internal assessment – 40%

this component is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course

HL extension (20 marks)

  • oral component

externally assessed oral presentation of selected political issues in two case studies from two different HL extension topics; a 10-minute presentation per case study

  • Engagement activity (20 hours, 20 marks)

students undertake an engagement activity and then produce a 2,000 word report analysing the political issue explored in that activity

University courses and careers

There are many areas of political science that can be studied at university including, but not limited to, international politics and comparative politics of developing nations. Global Politics is also a great help in the study of law, international relations, economics, business, journalism, history and many other disciplines. The Global Politics course is of value to all students as it is designed to develop international-mindedness through an examination of fundamental global political concepts and current case studies.