Top 5 Christmas Movies - Not About Christmas

A Listicle by Thomas Wagner


Let's take a break from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, a Christmas Carol, and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, and look at a few unorthodox Christmas movies in the spirit of the upcoming holiday. These are the iconic movies and instant classics that inevitably come up in conversation when talking about the best Christmas movies, but are always swept aside because they’re not "Christmassy enough”. Here these misfit, instant classics have a special place to be appreciated and enjoyed by all in the holiday spirit, who don’t feel like hearing, “You’ll shoot your eye out" in A Christmas Story or the God awful Tim Allen flicks for the thousandth year in a row:

Iron Man 3 - PG - 13

Set shortly after the events of the first Avengers film, Iron Man 3 is both a criminally underrated installment in the Marvel franchise, and a movie with something of a warm, cheery tone amidst the chaos of the plot. Between fighting a global terrorist, a ruthless businessman, and saving the president, among other plot elements, Iron Man 3 contains an interesting subplot in the second act, being concluded in the third. This results in an interesting statement about family, and sticking with those who are important to you, all set against the holiday backdrop, thus making this an excellent pick for my list.

The Hudsucker Proxy - PG

1950s America. A time of post-war serenity, and the perhaps the peak of American culture and prosperity. Baseball, Rock and Roll, Apple Pie, and who could forget, influential companies manipulating the markets. (Spoilers for the first 15 minutes of the movie, no big whoop): After the owner of a toy manufacturing company commits suicide, and leaves all of his stocks unclaimed by an heir, the government allows the stocks to return to the market, and be bought up by any schmucks interested. In comes Norville Barnes, a low level employee, who is sent all the way up to the CEO’s office, for a devious reason. Not only is this an excellent comedy, but also a nostalgic trip back to a simpler time, and what’s more, the setting of New York City in Christmastime gives the film a classic holiday feel.

Lethal Weapon - R

New York in the Fifties, or LA in the Eighties? That’s an argument for another time. But a buddy cop movie about two characters with killer (excuse the pun) dialogue, excellent chemistry, and a few unorthodox methods that the Chief of police doesn’t approve of? Count me in. Although Christmastime in LA isn’t the most iconic setting in western entertainment, that same cheerful, action packed flick is still welcome with a cup of eggnog. And of course the element of the importance of family, and doing anything for them is once again emphasized with this excellent movie, which reflects that classic Christmas theme.

Batman Returns - PG-13

Picture it. A wacky, neo-noire city with a mugger on every street corner, corrupt politicians, and a super villain trying to wreak havoc on a city. And a mentally damaged business tycoon on a one-man crusade to rid the world of these evils, all while dressing up as a flying rodent and playing with gadgets costing millions of dollars caught right in the middle of it. In a setting somewhere between the late forties and the heavy metal ruled eighties, it’s Christmas in Gotham city, and instead of relaxing and spending time at home, our hero is cleaning up the streets. Although this film is lacking in the “deeper meaning” department, it does provide an entertaining experience for the audience, in something of a twisted winter wonderland.

I think you know what number one is:

Yeah. It's Die Hard(R).

It’s the best. it’s a classic. It’s the classic tale of an unlikely hero who saves the day from a dozen terrorists, all to save his family, and to form a lasting friendship with someone over the radio. And who says you need real life to find friends? New York cop John McClane is returning home to visit his family for Christmas, when 12 terrorists attempt to perform a heist on the Nakatomi Plaza, while taking hostages in the building, and causing pandemonium on the ground. Our holiday hero is now tasked with saving the hostages, including his wife, and restoring the city to peace by defeating the terrorists. Although he may not have saved Christmas in the traditional sense; like becoming Santa, or leading the reindeer through a foggy night, John McClane became a hero for his family, the city of LA, and became a household name sparking heated debates about Christmas movies for years to come.