UCLA Library

The following information are featured services and resources offered by the UCLA Library. The Library's main website is https://www.library.ucla.edu/.  

Anthropology Subject Librarian

Michelle Li

Subject librarians offer a variety of services designed to help UCLA students, faculty, and staff, ranging from locating a source to designing a search strategy. Librarians are also available for customized classroom instruction and course guides.

Start on Your Own with a Research Guide or Tutorial

The Library has created guides to the best resources by subject area and specific courses. Start working on your own and contact us if you need further help. Online tutorials from a variety of sources can help with other skills, such as data visualization and image editing.

Scheduled Research Assistance

Have a research question? Library staff are available to consult with you at every stage of the research process.

Research Workshops

The Library offers varied workshops designed to help students succeed as an undergradute or graduate Bruin and beyond. These workshops teach relevant skills and encourage critical thinking about the research process. 

Research Data Services

UCLA Library has a variety of services and experts to support researchers of all disciplines.

Guides by Subject

Research assistance, course guides, subject guides, and useful resources compiled by UCLA librarians.