On-Campus Employment

First year students are expected to not work in order to focus on transitioning to the program and completing the majority of their coursework. Exceptions to work during the first year may be allowed but could affect any awards offered, and some awards may prohibit employment altogether. Please check with the Graduate Advisor if you want to work during your first year.

Many students obtain part-time academic student employee (ASE) positions such as Readers, Teaching Apprentices (TA) or Graduate Student Researchers (GSR) with faculty either at Anthropology or anywhere on-campus. Students who maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and are appointed to academic apprentice positions for at least 25% time (10 hours a week) while enrolled in a minimum of 12 units are eligible to receive fee remissions. Students may also work as staff (administrative/clerical work as opposed to research and teaching), however staff positions do not incur fee remissions.

Full time graduate students cannot be employed over 50% time as an ASE, staff, or combined, at UCLA without an approved exception request. International students cannot be employed over 50% time and exception requests cannot be submitted. 

Finding Employment On-Campus

If the Graduate Advisor receives any information of available opportunities, it will be featured in the Weekly Announcements or sent via email.

The Division of Graduate Education provides a starting contact list of departments that typically hire Readers and TAs:

Work-Study Program

Federal work-study grants are available to "financially need eligible" graduate students to complete part-time paid internships, community service, research projects, or other endeavors closely related to their academic degree program. Graduate students working on a research project in his/her discipline qualify for funding, as long as the funding source is not federal. Students are required to complete an application participation request before they can be hired as a work-study student. Detailed information about the program can be found here. The Online Work-study Job Bulletin can be accessed on MyUCLA.


ImaginePhD is an online career exploration and planning tool for PhD students and postdoctoral scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Humanities and social sciences PhD students and their mentors have long recognized the need for more resources to help bridge the knowledge gap between doctoral education and the realm of career possibilities. ImaginePhD is designed to meet this need by allowing users to assess their career-related skills, interests, and values and to explore careers appropriate to their disciplines. The tool includes a goal setting application that enables users to map out next steps for career and professional development to achieve their goals.


Handshake is a platform that connects talented Bruins with internships, jobs and career opportunities. Use Handshake to find workshops, events and other career development programs hosted by the UCLA Career Center.

Additional Resources