General Department Regulations

Quarterly Requirements

Petitions, Forms, Letters

All student petitions, forms, and letters requiring the Chair’s or a Departmental signature/approval must be routed through the Graduate Advisor. Your primary advisor must indicate their knowledge and approval of the petition or form before giving it to the Graduate Advisor. 

A petition is a request for an exception to the stated policy, requirement, or regulation. Petitions and forms can be obtain on the Anthro Student Resources site (link to site will be provided late Summer) or from the Graduate Advisor.

Student Dossiers

The Department keeps a file for each student which includes the documents listed below. If you wish to review your file, you must request so in writing to the Department Chair. Your file is kept for five years after you leave the program. Faculty members are notified each spring regarding the student files that are to be shredded. Files will be kept for an additional five years only upon the request of a faculty member. 

What Do I Call Myself?

You are a student until you advance to doctoral candidacy by successfully defending your dissertation proposal (oral qualifying exam). When you pass your proposal defense, you are then a candidate. As a candidate, you may refer to yourself as a PhD Candidate, Doctoral Candidate, or even ABD (all but dissertation). It is useful to use the correct title as it will convey your proper stage in the program.