Center for Accessible Education



Services are designed to meet the unique educational needs of regularly enrolled students with documented permanent and temporary disabilities. The philosophy and mission of the program are to encourage independence; assist students in realizing their academic potential; and facilitate the elimination of physical, programmatic, and attitudinal barriers. The CAE staff is available to assist students in successfully meeting educational challenges. A good introduction to the CAE, explaining how the CAE works and how to obtain services, is available in the CAE Student Handbook. For a copy, log on to the website.

Academic Accommodations

Students who require academic accommodations are strongly encouraged to register with CAE. Instructors are not able to provide disability-related accommodations without a formal accommodation notice from CAE.

Housing Accommodations

CAE staff are available to assist with accommodations in UCLA Housing. Students who require housing accommodations should submit a request form. As part of the registration process, further information may be requested in addition to the request form. Generally, students have their clinician complete the Housing Accommodation Verification Form when they submit the online Request Form to account for information that may be requested and CAE's Documentation Guidelines. In order for a student to apply for CAE Housing accommodations, UCLA Housing eligibility requirements must also be met. Please review their Housing Accommodations page for additional information, their handbook, and the request form.