Paper 3, The Witchcraze in Europe and North America

Paper 3, The witchcraze in Britain, Europe and North America 1580-1750

By 1580 most of Europe was convinced the Devil was at work; that women, and some men, made diabolic pacts with the Devil and committed evil deeds to do his bidding. Puritanical obsession led to the burning of thousands of women, perhaps tens of thousands! But was that all? Find out by following us to Pendle, Essex, Bamberg, Trier and to Salem. Then watch the whole thing come crashing down as the age of reason and science challenged superstition and magic. Help us to deduce why the witchcraze happened.

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Between 1580 and 1750 a lot of supposed Witches were burned (or hung) in England, Europe and North America. But why? What was really going on behind the hunts?

What caused the witchcraze? Would YOU survive?