Juniors 5/21

Grade: 11

Topic: Auction: Goals & Values

Goal Statement: Students will evaluate their values and identify what role these values play in their lives.


    • Auction List handout (in mailbox)
    • Pencil/Pen


***** Please first review end of the year procedures ~~~Reminders for Finals/End of Year

    1. Pass out the Auction List to each student. Explain that they will have $2000 to bid on as many items that they feel are of value to them. Explain that they do not have to bid on every item. Only ones they value are ones to bid on. Some items might be worth more than others. Explain to the students before you begin the bidding that there are 3 boxes with items in them and if they have $500 left over at the end, they will have the opportunity to purchase (not bid on) one of the boxes.
    2. Give the students 3-5 minutes to look over the list and write down the amount of their bids next to the items that they want to bid on. All bids must be in increments of $100.
    3. Run it like an auction. Announce the item and have the students start their bidding. The highest bid gets the item. Give each item about 30 seconds.
    4. After you complete the auction, there will be some students with money left over. Do not tell the students what is in the boxes (#1 You bought a lottery ticket and won 1 million dollars, #2 You dropped out of high school and work at a job for minimum wage, #3 You graduated from high school, went to college and have a career with a decent salary but you dislike what you do).
    5. Explain to students that this activity shows us where our values and goals lie. What you are willing to spend your money on shows you what is important to you. Those who did not spend all of their money may not have strong goals yet or at least none that were on the list. The three boxes at the end are there to show that if you do not have goals set for yourself, you might end up with what life hands you. This is why it is important to set goals and reflect on what your values are and what you want your life to look like when you are older.

Discussion Questions:

1. Why were you willing to bid higher on one item than another?

2. Where there items you wanted to bid on but were afraid of what other students might say/think?

3. Did any of you intentionally save money at the end for the boxes?

4. What are some things you are willing to work rally hard to achieve? Why?