Juniors, Sophomores & Freshmen 5/14

Grade 9-11

Topic: Generating good will for graduating seniors/ End of the Year Survey

Objective: Students will take the end of the year Connections Survey and spend time writing an encouraging note to a graduating senior.


      • Graduation Cards or Advice Cards, these can be found by the mailboxes. Take what you need.
      • Laptops for Survey


1. Complete End of the Year Survey End of Year Survey - link also already emailed to each student.

2. Tell 9th – 11th grade students that the goal today is to share a positive sentiment with a graduating senior.

            • Students can write to any senior they want to (make sure they put their full name), or they can write a generic note that could go to any senior
            • Students do not need to sign their names on the cards, but they may do so if they want to

3. Show the examples (below), if needed.

4. Pass out cards.

5. Collect cards. Read them to ensure appropriateness after Connections is over.

6. Turn completed cards into counselor's mailbox.

Sample Graduation Notes

Personal Example

Dear John,

Congratulations on your graduation! Best of luck to you next year at Iowa State! Thanks for getting me to go out for soccer. Hope to see you around this summer!

Good luck,


Generic Example:

Dear Graduate,

Good job graduating! I hope you have fun next year at college/work. Best wishes to you for a successful future. Good luck and Congratulations!