Module 5 - Activity 1

Live Virtual Conferencing!


The Writing Meaningful and Measurable Student Learning Outcomes workshop is delivered through a virtual video recording using the Zoom collaboration tool. The workshop includes a recorded video power point presentation and an accompanying workbook which includes absorb, do and connect exercises for each of the content topics. Follow the activity steps using a mobile device to watch the video workshop presentation and complete the workbook exercises as prescribed during the workshop. You will submit an electronic copy of your completed workbook to receive the activity points. Watching the video workshop presentation is worth 20 points. Completing the workbook exercises is worth 20 points. Overall, the activity is worth a total of 40 points.

Activity - Virtual Video Workshop


Writing Meaningful and Measurable Student Learning Outcomes


Dr. JoLanna Kord


The workshop is approximately 1 hour in duration and is available on demand.


The workshop is a video recording using the Zoom video conferencing tool.


The workshop is designed for New Faculty as an orientation learning activity. During the workshop, faculty will be actively engaged in writing and refining student learning outcomes for their course of choice (bring the syllabus for reference). These exercises are related to all of the workshop topics. We learn about the concept, we practice writing the student learning outcome, and we connect to our specific course learning experience.

Workshop Resources (necessary for participation)

  1. A workbook accompanies the workshop and is used for attendees to practice their skills in writing student learning outcomes by implementing the concepts presented in the workshop. A link to the workbook is in the accessing workshop resources section.

  2. Participants will need a course syllabus to use as a reference during the workshop and are expected to provide their own syllabus.

  3. Participants can print off the workbook prior to the workshop and use a pen or pencil to fill in the text boxes or open the word document in a browser and complete the exercises by typing in the text boxes.

  4. To receive the points for completion of the workbook, you will send it to the instructor electronically, so if you complete the workbook on printed paper you will need to scan the document or take screen shots to send it as an email attachment to the instructor.

Accessing Workshop Resources

Select the linked Workshop Document and be sure to have a syllabus from one of your courses available during the video workshop. Be sure to have both the workbook and syllabus ready for use when you begin the virtual video workshop. Click on the linked Workshop Workbook to open the workbook as a word document. Click on the linked Video Script to open a word document of the script.

Note, the linked documents will open in an html format. If you want to edit the document, you you must download the document by selecting the down-facing arrow at the top right hand side of the page and select the OK button to open the file as a word document.

Starting the Virtual Video and Activity Completion

When you are ready to begin the virtual video workshop, select the next button at the bottom of the page. Instructions for starting, pausing, and resetting the video are located on the video page. You will receive 20 points for watching the video, you will be awarded an additional 20 points when you send an electronic copy of your completed workbook as an email attachment to the instructor, JoLanna Kord at

Instructions for Operating the Virtual Video

  • To Begin the video, place your mouse cursor in the middle of the video image box and click on the black play button.

  • To Pause the video, click once in the middle of the video image box.

  • To continue play after a pause, click once in the middle of the video image box.

  • To restart the video from the beginning, click the Refresh Circle Arrow at the top left hand side of your browser window by the URL search box.