Module 1: Introduction to Policy, Procedures, & Practices

We Believe in You!

We are invested in you as a member of the Emporia State University Faculty. We care about your success, and want to provide every opportunity for you to seamlessly integrate into the campus learning environment whether you teach face-to-face, online, distance, blended or employ all types of delivery modalities.

Policy, Procedures, and Practices

Emporia State University establishes its' culture of assessment through policy, processes, and practices. The policy which frames our assessment processes and practices is stated in the University Policy Manual. The processes are defined in the University Policy Manual and the Student Learning Improvement Plan. In addition, each of the programs within a department have individualized Assessment Plans. Assessment practices are strategically positioned throughout the academic year to occur as a formal part of your teaching and learning activities.

Information, Knowledge, and Skills

Staying abreast of assessment practices and your role in our culture of assessment should be simple and convenient. Therefore, this orientation training is designed to provide you with the information, knowledge and skills needed to understand your role, find the information you need, when you need it, and to prepare you for contributing to our students learning success and academic excellence!

Module 1 Objectives

In Module 1, the primary objective is to introduce new faculty to the policy, processes, and procedures that frame the ESU assessment culture. The secondary objectives include developing a general understanding for how the culture aligns with faculty teaching assignments. Faculty should begin feeling comfortable with understanding the culture and be able to reflect on how to integrate the processes into their teaching and learning practices.

Module 1 Outcomes

Upon completion of this module, Faculty will be able to:

  • identify assessment and syllabus policy requirements

  • access electronic policy information resources

  • reflect on how policy, procedures, and practices are presented in the course syllabus information

Module 1 Learning Activities (40 points)

Activity 1: You will review university policy and take a multiple choice quiz (20 points).

Activity 2: Scavenger Hunt, you will navigate to website materials and write a narrative (10 points).

Activity 3: Scavenger Hunt, you will locate a website document and write a short reflective narrative (10 points).