Lab Members
Current as of May 24, 2024
Satomi SHIBA / 柴 里実 research fellows / 特任研究員
小中高生を対象として、間違いからの学習を促す学習方法(教訓帰納)の利用におけるつまずきの解明と支援方法について検討しています。 現在は「どのようにして普段の授業や評価に学習方法指導の発想を取り入れられるか」をテーマとして、学校の先生と共同しながら、実証・実践の両側面から研究を進めています。 また、学習者の学びの様子を多角的に把握するための調査法や分析法の工夫を考えることにも関心があります。
I have focused on a learning strategy that promotes learning from errors and have clarified how to support students' difficulties in strategy use since my master's program. Currently, my research interest is, "How can we incorporate the idea of learning strategy instruction into everyday teaching and evaluation?” I am conducting research from both empirical and practical aspects in collaboration with school teachers. I am also interested in exploring new methods for analyzing the learning process.
Yukino SHIOIRI / 塩入 潔乃 research fellows / 特任研究員
📬Email : yuki0825salt [at] [at]を半角@に置き換えてください
My interests lie in the fields of "English Education" and "Second Language Acquisition," with a particular focus on improving "Speaking Skills" and the process of "Self-reflective Learning." Currently, I am researching teaching methods and strategies to help language learners speak English more effectively, and exploring ways to enhance the learning process through self-reflection. Utilizing my experience as a current middle and high school teacher, I aim to contribute to both the theory and practice of English education, providing practical approaches that can be applied in the real classroom settings.
Nao UCHIDA / 内田 奈緒 doctoral course students / 博士課程
📬Email : n_uchida[at] [at]を半角@に置き換えてください
【代表的な論文 】
内田奈緒 (2021). 中高の英語学習における語彙学習方略―方略使用・有効性と規定要因に関する発達的差異の検討. 教育心理学研究, 教育心理学研究, 69 (4), 366-381. ;内田 奈緒・水野 木綿・植阪 友理 (2023). 効果的な学習方略はいかにして学習に取り入れられるか―研究者と教師が連携した語彙学習方略指導の効果とそのプロセス. 教育心理学研究,71(2), 145-158.
My interest lies in the processes of learners adapting their learning strategies and strategy instruction in schools. Many learners stick to shallow learning strategies, and then stumble and lose confidence. My current research have examined how and why students change their learning strategies or not for the development of learners who can learn adaptively. I am also interested in working with school teachers to co-create teaching on how to learn in educational settings.
Mengsi LIU / 劉 夢思 doctoral course students / 博士課程
📬Email : mengsi[at] [at]を半角@に置き換えてください
I am interested in fostering self-regulated learners within the context of educational psychology. My doctoral research focused on learners’ notetaking activities, re-examining it from a cognitive psychology perspective and validating the effectiveness of instructional methods based on these findings. In practical activities, I have engaged in providing individualized tutoring and collaborating with teachers in schools and poverty support facilities.
Marie FUJIMOTO / 藤本 茉里恵 doctoral course students / 博士課程
📬Email : fuji-m[at] [at]を半角@に置き換えてください
I attained a B.M. in Violin Performance at the New England Conservatory in U.S.A. Currently, I am studying how classical musicians develop their expertise, and how education can support their musical and personal growth.
Kotaro TAKAHASHI / 髙橋 幸太郎 doctoral course students / 博士課程
高校の理科教員として物理を教えていた経験から,「学力の低い子も高い子も,勉強を楽しめる授業」について興味を持ちました。特に,先生から学習内容を教える受容学習(Instruction)と,生徒が中心となって活動する発見学習(Problem Solving)を統合した授業について研究しています。授業研究もしくは広く学校の授業にご関心があれば,ご連絡いただけると嬉しいです!
I have experience working as a physics teacher in high school. Based on this experience, I get a curiosity about lessons that engage both high-level students and low-level students. My primary focus is on how to combine Instruction and Problem Solving in one lesson. If you are interested in lesson study or regular classroom instruction, please feel free to contact me!
Yudai SUZUKI / 鈴木 雄大 master course students / 修士課程
Arina TAI / 田井 愛莉南 master course students / 修士課程
📬Email : tai-arina001[at] [at]を半角@に置き換えてください
Natsuki KANAMORI / 金森 なつき master course students / 修士課程
I am interested in supporting children who face difficulties in learning. I am not only focused on providing academic support but also exploring ways to enhance children's learning processes, such as promoting metacognition. My goal is to improve the way children learn, not just the content they learn.
Haruho OKANO / 岡野 晴穂 master course students / 修士課程
I'm interested in how children can get effective learning strategies. And I provide cognitive-counseling for children with trouble studying, so am interested in the causes of children's learning difficulties.
Ahemaiti FALUOLAN / 法羅蘭 阿合買提 research students / 研究生
📬Email : faluolan[at] [at]を半角@に置き換えてください
Xinran LI / 李 欣然 research students / 研究生
📬Email : xinran-li[at] [at]を半角@に置き換えてください
I conduct research on the factors that hinder learners from effectively utilizing learning resources and the support methods that can address these challenges. My primary interest is in the field of second language acquisition, with a focus on methods for developing language learners who can independently and appropriately utilize relevant resources around them. Currently, I am adopting both empirical and practical perspectives to explore effective resource utilization for improving foreign language speaking skills, as well as instructional methods that leverage learners’ self-awareness to enhance their engagement with these resources.