Savannah Shoutout
February 14th, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day, Families!

We hope you feel the love today! 

Don't forget to mark your calendars for our upcoming "Table Talk" about Savannah's response to behavior.  There are two time options on March 21st. See the graphic below. We will see you there! 

Here are upcoming events and school info items:


--Mrs. Hawkins and Mrs. Chartrand

Join us for the next Hawkins Huddle on Friday, February 23rd!!!

Note: The video presentations will be uploaded to the shoutout each week for the parents since announcEments will no longer be on facebook live.

February 9th - Ely and Ava, 5th

Ella Fitzgerald

February 14th - Jaxon, 3rd

Thurgood Marshall

February 12th - Nelson and Edward, 5th

Michael Jordan


Don't miss the Savannah Elementary Gators and Guardians dance coming February 24th! Tickets are 2 for $20 with each additional ticket only $5. See you there! 

Savannah Elementary families,

The day is here! You can now register for our Gator Fun Run! Our goal is to raise $15,000 for guided reading books and teacher training. Registering is easy and free!

⭐️ Register Now On MYBOOSTER.COM  ⭐️

Be sure to check out the easy sharing functions on MYBOOSTER.COM to let others know how they can help support our school.

Thank you for working with us to make our school stronger. We are grateful for your support!

Please submit ALL absence notes via the online form, see video below for support!

Don't forget to order your school Yearbook this year.

Yearbook club has picked their theme and cover for Savannah Elementary’s 2023-2024 yearbook, and its not too late to order! They are made to order, and extras cannot be guaranteed. 


2023-2024 Yearbook  School ID#12187424

coming april 8th!!!

We have an exciting educational opportunity that will be taking place on April 8th of this year -- the viewing of the Great North American Eclipse.


On this day, a rare astronomical event will occur, providing a unique learning experience for our students. The eclipse is an excellent opportunity for students to engage with science, astronomy, and the natural world. Many of our teachers will be incorporating this event into their lesson plans to enhance the educational experience for all students. 


The safety of our students is our top priority; we will take all necessary precautions to ensure that the eclipse viewing is conducted in a safe and supervised manner. Protective eyewear is being donated for each student by the Perot Museum of Nature and Science.


We believe that this event will be a valuable and memorable learning experience for our students, and we encourage you to discuss it with your child. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you wish for your child to not participate, please let us know.



PTA Registration is open for the 2023-2024 school year!

Tap to sign up or scan the QR code in the flyer.

GRade level NewsLetters

important Reminders


We are happy to celebrate your child's birthday at school. We allow parents to send birthday trinkets for their child's class if they want, however, WE DO NOT ALLOW BIRTHDAY TREATS or FOODS. Cupcakes/cake/candy, etc. compete with healthy meals and snacks.  We will not serve them.

Background ChEcks

Families: Savannah requires background checks for anyone volunteering on campus OR coming to campus for lunch with their student/s. Make sure your background check is up to date. 


Spirit Days 

Let's rock our school spirit each week! Our goal is 100% participation!

Every week days:

Thursdays- Braswell spirit days- Wear black and red or Bengal spirit shirts

Fridays- Savannah spirit days- wear blue, orange, or green or Gator spirit shirts

College Shirt Wednesdays:




