Savannah Shoutout
August 30th, 2023


Happy Wednesday, Gator families! 

Our Savannah teachers are AMAZING!!! It isn't easy to teach over 750 young friends how to read, write, and solve math problems. The teachers at our school don't take this task lightly. This Friday, Septmeber 1st, will mark our first half day planning time for teachers to collaborate with each other to promote your students' progress. 

Our Professional Learning Community

In Denton ISD, our teachers are a Professional Learning Community, in short, this means we work together to ensure all kids learn at high levels. We do not believe that they are “my kids” but they are “all of our kids!” In order to do this work, our district has built in collaboration time for our teachers which directly impacts our instructional practices. Even though it is a half day for students, it is important that your students are present for learning, as we have a modified instructional schedule. This is not a “free day”, so it is important that students are in the building to learn. In addition, it is essential that you pick your student up on time (12 PM) so that teachers can get straight to planning. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. We appreciate your support as we continue to do what’s best for kids.


For more information on the PLC process, see attached article.

--Mrs. Hawkins and Mrs. Chartrand

New For this week

important from last week

A message from our pta president:

It has been great seeing everyone back at school these last two weeks.  They may be stressful for us parents, but I love hearing the stories about new friends, favorite teachers, and new subjects our kids are excited for! Your PTA Executive Board has been hard at work all summer planning a fantastic year.  Thank you to all of our new and returning members for bringing our current total to 241 members. Each member allows us to support students, teachers and our community.  PTA is at it's heart an advocacy organization supporting Public Education. Texas PTA's mission is "To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children."  We look forward to continuing to support this mission here at Savannah Elementary.

If you have friends, neighbors, or other parents that have not joined yet - invite them! Many hands make light work and we want each and every family to be a part of supporting our school.  Be sure to follow our Facebook page to stay up to date on all events and happenings.


To kick off the new year we have a few upcoming events to put on your calendar:

* Wednesday August 30th from 5pm to 8pm is Spirit Night at McDonald's in front of the Windsong Kroger.  Treat the kids to a midweek Happy Meal and support Savannah PTA!

* Wednesday September 6th is our Spirit Night at Menchie's.  More details to follow.

* Friday September 15th is our Savannah PTA Spaghetti Dinner where you can bring your family and meet Mrs. Hawkins and Mrs. Chartrand, and enjoy the company of other Savannah Gator families.  This event will be in the school cafeteria from 4pm to 6pm and is free for all Savannah Elementary families.  We will have an interest form coming soon so we know how many people to plan for.

* Tuesday September 19th at 6:30pm is our first PTA Membership meeting in the school cafeteria.  This is a great opportunity to get plugged in for volunteer opportunities and learn what great things we have planned for the year.

*The updated Spirit Wear store will be opening up around the first of September and will have new options for you to show your Savannah Gator pride! More details will be sent out soon.

* Our Volunteer Coordinator Lyndsey Patterson and our Hospitality Chair Jodie Riggs will be contacting interested parents soon with details about the Room Parent program.

If you have questions about anything regarding Savannah PTA you can email me at or our Vice-President Ivy Solis at and we will be happy to assist you.  You can also message us on Facebook or reach out to any of our other board members.

Thank you all for supporting Savannah Elementary PTA.  We are looking forward to a great year!

Lori Farrar-Kakashvili

PTA President 2023-2024

Savannah Elementary School



We are happy to celebrate your child's birthday at school. We allow parents to send birthday trinkets for their child's class if they want, however, WE DO NOT ALLOW BIRTHDAY TREATS or FOODS. Cupcakes/cake/candy etc. compete with healthy meals and snacks.  We will not serve them.

Background ChEcks

Families: Savannah requires background checks for anyone volunteering on campus OR coming to campus for lunch with their student/s. Make sure your background check is up to date. We will begin allowing families to eat lunch with their students on August 28th. This gives our teachers  and students time to practice cafeteria procedures properly before we welcome guests. 


Spirit Days 

Let's rock our school spirit each week! Our goal is 100% participation!

Every week days:

Thursdays- Braswell spirit days- Wear black and red or Bengal spirit shirts

Fridays- Savannah spirit days- wear blue, orange, or green or Gator spirit shirts

College Shirt Wednesdays:











PTA Registration is open for the 2023-2024 school year!

Tap to sign up or scan the QR code above.

GRade level NewsLetters

Cafeteria Payment Portal 


Savannah Events