Navigating TigerQuest

What's in this guide?

What's TigerQuest?

TigerQuest is website that serves as a a portal to all student organization life at Clemson University. Registered student organizations each receive TigerQuest pages. These pages include online student organization management tools, which can help you recruit new members, host elections, create surveys, and more. Keeping your organization's page vibrant and up-to-date is an important part of marketing & recruitment.

Click the Visit TigerQuest button below and log in with your Clemson credentials. On the homepage, you will see organization cards under Memberships. Click into those to see if you have management access for your student organization.

Manage Organization

Through the Manage Organization tab, you can your organization's homepage. Then, click the button with three lines on the top left to access the organization tools. Click through the slides below to see what this process will look like to someone with manager-level access to your organization page. If you can't see this and think you should, email your president or

Update Organization Roster & Primary Contact

The roster allows you to show a list of all your organization's members and information about your organization's primary contact. The primary contact is the person designated to be the main point of contact for your organization.


The primary contact is listed at top of the page under "ROSTER". Only the current primary contact can select a new primary contact for the organization. If you need to change the primary contact, please follow these steps:

  1. Select the Pencil icon in the primary contact box

  2. Search for the new primary contact and click SELECT

  3. The primary contact has been updated

If you have any issues changing the primary contact, please email us at

Manage Roster

Inviting New Members

  • At the top of your page, click Invite People. Enter the campus email address you'd like to send invitations to.

  • Only use addresses, not addresses, since TigerQuest cannot read anything besides addresses and will not create an invitation.

  • Enter up to 500 emails in the text box.

  • Select any positions you'd like to invite the users to hold once they accept their invitation, and click Send Invitations.

  • Changes in membership must be reflected on TigerQuest within 48 hours, including updating primary contact information. If you have difficulty updating your roster or can't get access to your TigerQuest page, please email for help.


  • Quickly view any outstanding requests to join your organization by checking if there is a red circle above the Prospective tab. Click through to accept or deny requests to join your organization.

  • You can also end memberships on the main Roster tab. Check the box next to the name of the member(s) and click End Membership at the top.

Officer Positions

  • Add an officer position to an existing member by clicking the pencil to the right of their name. Multiple officer positions can be selected. The Center for Student Leadership and Engagement often sends messages by position type.

  • Create an officer position or edit position access by clicking Manage Positions at the top of the page.

  • You can add additional access to existing positions: for example, allow the Vice-President to access the event and elections tools, if that's part of their position.

  • Create custom positions and give them unique permissions to reflect how your organization functions.

Edit the About Page

The roster allows you to show a list of all your organization's members and information about your organization's primary contact. The primary contact is the person designated to be the main point of contact for your organization.


  • The summary will be displayed on the organization directory, and it should include a short description of the organization's main purpose. Students browsing TigerQuest for new organizations will see this summary, so include an interesting fact or unique aspect of your organization to attract their attention!

  • The description will be displayed on your organization's homepage, alongside any pictures. Use this longer section to include your organization's mission, meeting times, unique events, and any other information that can help future members get curious about getting involved with your organization. You can even embed Youtube or Vimeo videos!

Creating Events

Creating public events allows them to be shown on the TigerQuest homepage as well as automatically posting to the Clemson calendar! You also have the option to create events private to your student organization members.

The Events tool allows you to create and manage your organization’s events. You can also manage an individual event, including inviting attendees, tracking participation, or changing an event's details. Events are automatically approved.

Event Actions

To create an event, go to the Organization Tools, and select the Events tab. Then, click Create Event. You'll also be able to see any past events your organization has held.

Use the Event Creation tool to automatically create recurring events like organization meetings. Organizations can also include online meeting locations, like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Discord. Be careful when listing links online since TigerQuest is a public website. You can choose to have members register for an event and send a meeting link later.

Once your event is created, it will have both an event management page and a public event page.

When hosting your event information on TigerQuest, you can also track attendance. You can do this manually by entering participants, or use a card scanner to swipe participants into your event. Check out this article to learn more about this feature.

Adding Photos to the Gallery

The photo gallery can help you create a more visually appealing organization homepage. Photos are a great way to show off the exciting things your organization has done! Your gallery photos will be showcased at the top of your organization's public-facing page, and members can view individual albums as well.

  1. Click Manage Organization and in the Organization Tools, choose Gallery.

  2. Select Create New Album. Enter a name for the album and a brief description.

  3. Choose who can view the photo album based on their position.

  4. Click Create Album.

  5. Click on the title of the album.

  6. Click Add Photos.

  7. Select the file(s) from a saved location and include a caption. You can also drag and drop multiple images from your desktop or a folder.

  8. Done! Enjoy your updated organization homepage!

Adding Documents

The Documents tool allows you to create a shared storage space for important organizational files. You can share these files publicly or only with certain members or position holders within your organization. Common shared documents include constitutions, applications, waivers, and marketing materials.

Uploading a Document:

  1. Click Add Folder and assign a name to your folder.

  2. To add an individual file or a file within a folder, click Add File. Select the file by clicking the Upload button. The maximum file size for a single file is 10MB. The title of the file will automatically generate with the name of the document, but you can change it as well.

  3. Finally, select the permission level for your document to share with your audience. Congrats! Now you can share these folders with your student organization.

Publishing Forms

The Forms tool can be used to create surveys, questions, and collect information. This tool also makes it more manageable for organizations to organize feedback from their members. The benefit of using the Forms tool in TigerQuest instead of Google Forms or other tools is that future officers will be able to access your organization's past forms.

Creating a Form:

  1. Click the Create Form button. Enter a name for your form and then fill out the additional settings:

  2. Checking the Active box determines if the form is accessible yet. If the active option is not chosen, then users will not be able to complete or access the form.

  3. Start/End Time is the time period for which the form should be open.

  4. Submissions will only be accepted during this time period.

  5. Allow Multiple Submissions means users can submit more than one form submission. If this option is not selected, users will be restricted from the form after one submission.

  6. When finished, click Save and Add Questions at the bottom of the page.

Building your Form

  • Form Properties: Selecting this will take you back to the first page where you can edit the form’s first page.

  • Page Properties: Click here to edit the name of the page.

  • When you’re ready to start adding questions to the form, you will choose from a list of question types that are available to you.

Buttons including Check Box List, Radio Button List, Text Field, Drop Down List, Instructions, Single Check Box, Ranking, and File Upload.

Sharing a Form

Please note that sharing the URL in your address bar will not work to share your form, so follow these steps:

  1. Go to Manage Forms

  2. Find the form you want to share and click the button with three dots next to the form name

  3. Click Share

  4. Copy the URL there and share it out!

Bonus: Use a tool like or ShortURL for forms you use often for easily recognizable URLs and to track clicks!

To export data in an Excel sheet:

  1. Select your desired form(s) by clicking Submissions

  2. Adjust Filter by Status as needed

  3. Select Export All

  4. Visit the Downloads Page to download the file

  5. Find your desired file and click Download

Holding Organization Elections

The Elections tool allows you to create elections for your student organization, which will be exclusive to your student organization members on TigerQuest, allowing you to ensure members are only voting once.

Creating an Election:

  1. Identify the name of the election, any instructions necessary and any additional information that you would like to include.

  2. Choose if your election should be active and the date range your election should be available.

You can view anonymous results in real time through the election portal.

What else is on TigerQuest?

Other student organizations, campus departments, and even community partners can request TigerQuest pages. Check out the Organizations tab on TigerQuest and explore the 500+ student organizations at Clemson to see if other student organizations want to collaborate, or if you could get inspiration from their TigerQuest pages!


If you can't find your answer here, try this expanded guide from the website programmers or email the Center for Student Leadership and Engagement at