
a Leader2Leader Guide featuring Clemson Rainbow Fellowship

Benefits of Mentor Programs

Mentoring programs are a great way to connect new or incoming members with established members in your student organization. The benefits of mentoring programs can include increased retention, belonging, and connection within your student organization members, and all benefits are built on the strength of your mentorship program. Members can also make more connections to Clemson, which benefits their overall experience as students.

How to start one in your own organization

Mentorship Applications

Mentor Criteria

  • Do your mentors...

    • Need to be a part of the organization for a certain number of semesters?

    • Need a minimum GPA?

    • Need to be officers, or can they be general body members?

    • Need to attend specific trainings?

    • Need letters of recommendation?

Mentor Role

  • What will mentors & mentees do together? Will they meet one-on-one, attend organization or Clemson events, study together, work on professional development, or a combination of these?

  • Wil mentors & the coordinator of the program meet regularly?

Example Questions for a Mentorship Application

  1. What are your reasons for becoming a peer mentor?

  2. If you had a peer mentor when you joined this organization, what was your experience like?

  3. What unique skills, abilities, and experiences can you bring to this mentoring relationship?

  4. List any personal hobbies or interests that could help us match you with a mentee.

  5. How many members would you be able to mentor?