
Look to the Past

Reviewing Last Year's Budget

Whether your organization’s largest purchases were buying a tri-fold board and craft supplies for TigerProwl or if you invited multiple speakers and hosted many events, all of those expenses are necessary to review so that you can plan for next year’s expenses, especially if your organization did not request annual funding. Review last year’s income and expenses for your organization, and discuss among your executive board.

If your org requested a budget for the last academic year, your organization might want to...

  • Review last year’s expenses

  • Review the budget for 2020-2021 for any expenses that might have been altered due to COVID-19 including events, trips, conferences and other expenses

  • Brush up on policies from GSG and the Student Funding Board related to funding

If your org did not request a budget for the last academic year, your organization might want to...

  • Review last year’s expenses

  • Plan a budget for the next year that includes virtual events or in-person events that can be transitioned to virtual events if necessary

  • Request funding for these events

  • Brush up on policies from GSG and the Student Funding Board related to funding

Create a new budget

Define Your Organization's Goals

We discussed Finding and Communicating Your Why to your membership, but it's also important to know your mission to build your budget. Every expense should be made because your organization is trying to strive towards its goal. Ask yourself how your expenses are directly related to your mission, and keep in mind that raising awareness about causes, as well as team-building and leadership activities also strengthen your organization.

Dreaming & Brainstorming

  • Events - many student organizations organize around social, professional development, or personal development events. Use our Event Guide and our How to Retreat Guide to plan what expenses could come from different events, and how you can tailor these events to reach your goals. Think about typical events like meetings as well as special events like officer retreats, 5k walks or runs, art showcases, performances, or other events you might want to have.

  • Leadership Development - there are many free options for professional development at Clemson. How can you pair these with professional development opportunities which may require fees?

  • Facility Rentals - registered student organizations have access to reduced fees through Campus Activities & Events, and your organization could also consider renting space in the Clemson & Greenville areas. Do you also need to rent storage space, or

  • Supplies - keep in mind our sustainability guide when thinking about buying supplies for your organization.

  • Promotion - would your organization want to purchase stickers, printing for flyers, request funds for website hosting, or other promotional items? Keep in mind the Student Funding Board & GSG's respective policies on clothing and paper materials by checking out their policies below.

  • Food & Beverages - would snacks at meetings help with attendance, or would you want to include food in an officer's retreat?

Funding Sources

How can you combine funding sources to help your organization reach its goals as well as being responsible stewards of these funds?

  • Fundraising with community partners through events like percentage nights or on your own

  • Member fees or dues - keep in mind that not all students have the same financial situation and may not be able to afford membership dues

  • Requesting funds from Clemson departments, in-kind donations, community businesses, or national organizations

  • Requesting funds from the Student Funding Board or Graduate Student Government

Creating a Plan

A budget is just a plan for how you will spend your organization's funds. The treasurer can draft the budget, but ensure that the entire executive board and organization can view and comment on the budget. Transparency in the budgeting and spending process can help your organization members conceptualize how things as esoteric as budget requests translate to a fun, impactful event like an end-of-year thank you party. Create a budget using Excel or Google Sheets, and share it with your organization before requesting funds.