Recruitment & Tiger Prowl

Tiger PRowl

In both Fall & Spring, Tiger Prowl is held for student organizations to meet and recruit possible new members. In the fall, Tiger Prowl is typically held in Memorial Stadium, and Spring Tiger Prowl is held in the Hendrix Student Center ballrooms.

What should we bring to Tiger Prowl?

We suggest bringing a display that shows pictures of your organization in action, or descriptions of what you'd like to do, if your organization is new. Get creative! You can also bring a sign-up sheet and/or a laptop for a TigerQuest form to take information from new members. For your members at Tiger Prowl, please bring extra water, fans if you'd like, and extra snacks.

Tiger Prowl displays

Thanks so much to our wonderful student organizations which submitted these Tiger Prowl displays to help others plan their own displays!

Clemson Dholna

Clemson Dholna is a Bollywood fusion dance team which performs at events on and off campus like Diwali programs, International Festival, dances, weddings, and more!

President Angel Kumari suggests:

"The advice I would give to these leaders is to always plan early for events because a lot of things can happen before an event comes together. I would also suggest leaders to understand that going back in person will be an adjustment from the previous year. As a student organization help members transition from being online to multiple in-person events. I also would advise leaders to try to make events that are accommodating for all."

Mock Turtle Soup

Mock Turtle Soup or Clemson Improv, is an on-campus improv comedy troupe that presents high-quality long and short form improvisational comedy to the student body. Mock Turtle Soup performs approximately five times a semester on-campus in Lee Hall.

The Tiger

The Tiger is South Carolina's oldest college newspaper as well as a student organization at Clemson. They give out buttons at Tiger Prowl, as well as having examples of their newspaper, which you can also read at newspaper stands across campus throughout the year.

Editor-in-Chief David Ferarra suggests for new student organizations: "Keep continuity in mind - semester after semester, year after year. What positions need to get filled? What work needs to get done?"

Clemson Wesley


Club Sailing

Preparing for Tabling at Tiger Prowl & During the Year

Signs & Staffing

To the left, Brother-2-Brother, Clemson's chapter of the Student African-American Brotherhood (SAAB), shows a welcoming table at Tiger Prowl! Bring tablecloths, signs, organization shirts, and other displays that show what your student organization is about.

Most importantly, make sure your table is staffed in shifts by members who are excited to tell others about your student organization. Tiger Prowl & other tabling events are typically a few hours long, so many organizations create shifts to accommodate members' schedules.

Plan with your members an elevator speech for your student organization, and include a call to action to invite students to sign up for your email list or GroupMe, and invite them to your next meeting!

Giveaways & Prizes

Student organizations often bring flyers and branded free merchandise including pencils, stickers, paper fans, t-shirts, water bottles, and other items. Please note that if you'd like these items to use Clemson brand marks like the Tiger Paw, you must request use from Student Affairs Publications due to Clemson copyright.

Follow Up!

Make sure you discuss a plan to reach out individually to people who showed interest in joining your student organization!

  • Invite interested members to your first general body meeting with an invitation that explains exactly what they can expect at the meeting

  • Plan a meet & greet outside in a public place, which could serve as an additional recruitment event for passerby

  • Send invitations more than once, since it may take reminding 3+ times for someone to act on an invitation! These could include emails, GroupMe reminders, social media posts, and individual outreach like texts or phone calls.

  • Pair members with a mentor or in small groups to make it less daunting to get to know a large group of people!