
Introduction to Advanced Search

Search tools throughout Navigate make finding the right students fast and easy. Using the dozens of search filters, employees can look for groups of students who meet a broad set of criteria, or they can define multiple specific criteria to drill down to a precise few individuals.

Whether you're helping students track progress toward graduation, monitoring or planning course enrollment/availability, looking for students with specific criteria to share opportunities or guidance, the Advanced Search function allows you to create unique lists of students based on the layering of various search parameters, Queries will pull lists of current students that fit the parameters of the search, and information populating in the results will be a current reflection of student data. The Advanced Search functionality is not meant to be a historical Search. Most search filters create AND statements. As you build a search by laying on various filters within or across drawers, the query will identify students who satisfy all the listed requirements.

  1. Within certain tools in Navigate, you may be prompted to generate a list of students using Advanced Search. In the Advanced Search standalone tool, you must check the small box at the top right corner of the dark gray bar that reads Show Advanced Filters in order to enable all filters. Please note: not all users will have access to Advanced Search.

  2. When conducting an Advanced Search, you will be given up to 8 Filter Drawers to expand or limit your search criteria. A description of each is below.

  • Student Information: Use this group of filters to search for students by personal identifying information, such as name, student ID, category*, tag, or transfer status.

  • Enrollment History: Create logic statements to search for students by their enrollment status in a variety of terms.

  • Area of Study: Combine elements of this filter to search for students based on areas of study, including college affiliation, degree, concentration, or major.

  • Performance Data: Search using these filters to segment student groups by GPA, credits earned, and hours attempted.

  • Term Data: Select conditions within this group of filters to run a search for students using information associated with a specific term.

  • Course Data: Utilize this group of filters to query students based on courses, section, and status.

  • Assigned To: Enter information into fields in this bucket to pull lists of students assigned to specific advisors, tutors, coaches, or team members.

  • Success Indicators: Run a search using these filters to identify students based on predicted Recommended Support Level or success marker completion status.

3. Once you have selected the search fields, click Search at the bottom of the screen.

4. From here, you may complete a variety of Actions with this list or Save your search.