Issuing Alerts

Issuing Alerts

If you have a concern about a student (academic performance or attendance, family emergency, etc) that you think needs to be on the student’s College Success Team’s radar, you should issue an alert. Faculty should always attempt to contact the student and resolve any concerns first. If the student does not respond to outreach, a Student Not Responding to Outreach alert is appropriate. If a student communicates some circumstances that you think others on campus should be aware of to advocate for the student or reach out to provide additional support, the Personal Emergency alert is appropriate. Technology & Financial alerts are also available. Learn more about what happens with each type of alert here.

1. Visit the student’s profile

2. Click Issue an Alert

3. Select the alert reason

4. If this is associated with your class specifically, select your class; otherwise leave the class field blank

5. Please add additional comments to provide context and background on the concern you’re reporting, including information about how you have already attempted to contact this student. This will travel to the College Success Team for the student’s major and/or to Student Support Services.

You may be contacted for more information after submitting an alert. You will also be notified via automatic email when the alert is considered “resolved.”