Responsibilities for Cases and At-Risk Notifications

This page contains information about routing and responsibility for responding to various early alerts communicated through Navigate. Current College Success Leads for each college can be found here.

Progress Reports


Alert Issuer

Faculty receive progress report request and identify students who might be at-risk as defined by email sent with Progress Report submission link, including appropriate attendance and performance information. 

Faculty should be sure to submit Progress Reports for all requested students (even those not “at-risk”).

College Success Leads

Communicate to advisors within college that Progress Report requests will be distributed to faculty with student-athletes in class, and that if the student is flagged “at-risk,” the student’s assigned advisor(s) will receive an automatic notice. 

Colleges may determine whether or not they would like to do additional outreach to these students (not required).

Student Support Services

Respond to any referrals. Any faculty or staff can make referrals to Student Support Services by sending an email with information regarding the concern to 

Other Unit(s)

University Athletics academic staff will be notified when a student-athlete is flagged “at-risk” and will manage outreach to the student. 

CHM 110

Alert Issuer

Faculty receive progress report request and identify students who might be at-risk as defined by email sent with Progress Report submission link, including appropriate attendance and performance information. 

Faculty should be sure to submit Progress Reports for all requested students (even those not “at-risk”).

College Success Leads

Communicate to advisors what the college plan is for following up with students flagged "at-risk." Both advisors and College Success Leads will receive these automatic notices.

The Mund-Lagowski Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry requests that advisors reach out to students flagged “at-risk” and provide them with information and support to switch to CHM 104 (if possible). Advisors within a college should be encouraged to reach out if the student’s primary major is in that college (as displayed under “Categories” in the “at-risk” notification email).

Student Support Services

Academic Success Center staff will coordinate with the Mund-Lagowski Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry to request Progress Reports from CHM 110 faculty, provide CHM 110 coordinator with contact list for all advisors who have at least one student enrolled in CHM 110, and communicate to the Student Engagement Team when the Progress Reports will be requested and submitted.

Student Support Services will respond to any referrals. Any faculty or staff can make referrals to Student Support Services by sending an email with information regarding the concern to 

Other Unit(s)

The Mund-Lagowski Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry will define metrics by which students should be flagged “at-risk,” provide advisors with information about the option to switch to CHM 104 in advance of Progress Report requests, and communicate any changes to the process/guidelines to Academic Success Center staff.

Student Engagement Team

Alert Issuer

Faculty receive progress report request and identify students who might be at-risk as defined by email sent with Progress Report submission link, including appropriate attendance and performance information. 

Faculty should be sure to submit Progress Reports for all requested students (even those not “at-risk”).

College Success Leads

Communicate to advisors within college that Progress Report requests will be distributed to targeted faculty, and that if the student is flagged “at-risk,” the student’s assigned advisor(s) will receive an automatic notice. 

College Success Leads coordinate and communicate response expectations within the college for responding to the “at-risk” notifications they receive.

Advisors within a college should be encouraged to reach out if the student’s primary major is in that college (as displayed under “Categories” in the “at-risk” notification email).

Student Support Services

Respond to any referrals. Any faculty or staff can make referrals to Student Support Services by sending an email with information regarding the concern to 

Other Unit(s)



Academic Concern (other than Attendance) - Describe Outreach - *Most common alert used by faculty and staff*

Alert Issuer

Faculty/staff should always attempt direct outreach to the student before issuing an alert.

Alert should be issued when a student is not responding to requests from faculty/staff to discuss various academic performance, attendance, or engagement concerns.

This is the primary alert used by faculty/staff to report a concern about a student. 

College Success Leads

College Success Leads coordinate and communicate response expectations within the college for managing the case, including adding comments to the case to keep information up-to-date and closing the case when the issue is resolved.

If one student receives multiple alerts resulting in multiple open cases, comments from the newest alert should be copied and pasted into the comments from the previous alert, and the new case should be closed using the "Student Has Existing Case - Notes Moved Over" reason.

If the issue is not resolved within three business days, College Success Leads may assign the case to Student Support Services by adding Kelly  Sundstrom and Anne Hollis as “Assignees” to the case. If the issue requires more urgent attention from Student Support Services, please add relevant comments and assign the case to Kelly  Sundstrom and Anne Hollis.

A note on "Case Owner" and "Assignees:" 

Student Support Services

If assigned a case, review the case comments and student history to determine appropriate next steps for connecting with the student, requesting a wellness check, or working with other faculty/staff who may have contact with the student to address the concern. Case should be closed when resolved.

Other Unit(s)

If applicable, collaborate with College Success Leads or Student Support Services if requested to engage with the student and respond to the concern(s).

Financial (can't buy course materials, tuition concern, etc)

See Alert information here.

Personal Emergency

Alert Issuer

When student reports personal emergency (health, weather, family, etc) that might impact ability to engage with coursework or University services/activities.

College Success Leads


Student Support Services

Student Support Services will email the student offering relevant resources and support.

Other Unit(s)


Student Affairs Only

Alert Issuer

FOR STAFF IN THE DIVISION OF STUDENT AFFAIRS ONLY. Use this to request outreach through Student Support Services.

College Success Leads


Student Support Services

If assigned a case, review the case comments and student history to determine appropriate next steps for connecting with the student, requesting a wellness check, or working with other faculty/staff who may have contact with the student to address the concern. Case should be closed when resolved.

Other Unit(s)

If applicable, collaborate with Student Support Services if requested to engage with the student and respond to the concern(s).

Student Technology Concern

See Alert information here.