Naming Conventions

Naming Conventions for Student Lists and Campaigns

When creating an Appointment Campaign or saving a Student List, Navigate will prompt you to define a name. Following standard naming convention policies is imperative to maintain the efficiency and integrity of the Navigate platform. While most other users will not see your Student Lists, certain tools for tracking outreach effectiveness will display the titles of all Student Lists created across campus. Campaign names will always appear on Advising Summary Reports (visible to students), on the student profile, and in the same outreach effectiveness tools that Student List names will appear. Finally, clearly naming your Student Lists and Campaigns makes it easier for Navigate support to help you if you have any problems with either feature of the Navigate system.

UPDATE: An update to Navigate made in late March 2022 now gives employees the ability to hide a Student List from other locations in the site.

When asked to define a name for a Student List, please apply the following name conventions:

Term_WL_Your Initials_Description

An example of this for a Student List created by Reggie Strar for students flagged At-Risk in spring 2019 is below:


When asked to define a name for a Campaign, please apply the following name conventions:

Term_Your Initials_Campaign_Description

An example of this for a Campaign created by Reggie Strar for advising appointments taking place in spring 2019 is below:


Please contact the Academic Success Center or your unit’s leadership with any questions about these naming conventions. We appreciate your commitment to these naming conventions.

Remember: All information you enter into Navigate becomes a part of students’ official academic record.
Students have the legal right to review their entire academic record.