AP Government and Politics

AP Government and Politics is a semester long, senior level course. All students interested in challenging themselves are encouraged to apply, including those who have yet to take a DE or AP course in Social Studies. College credit or competency is available based on the student's score on an AP Exam. 

Student admittance into class will be based on a variety of factors, including previous coursework, teacher recommendations, and merits of a submitted written response. 

Students:  Complete the Google Form application below. If you prefer, you can follow the link here to open the application in a new tab.  Applications are due March 29, 2024.  

Teachers:  When all student applications have been received, you will receive an email for the teacher recommendation form to complete for all students requesting you as reference.

Direct any questions to audrey.fizer@frco.k12.va.us or ross.zabloski@frco.k12.va.us