Interested in taking an Advanced Placement or Dual Enrollment course? Check out the links on the left to see what AP or DE courses are offered at FCHS, then see your counselor about signing up! Some courses require intent forms or applications. These are located on the "AP and Dual Enrollment Forms" link and under each subject area. 

All AP courses have an exam at the end of the year administered by the College Board. Test dates can be found at this link:

All Dual Enrollment courses have a final exam at the end of the course as required by Virginia Western Community College or Ferrum College.  This final exam cannot be exempted.

Colleges and universities set their own policies regarding how much credit, if any, they grant for AP grades or course transfer. Students are encouraged to contact schools regarding current AP and transfer policies. This link may be a good starting point but students should confirm with their college or university.

Credit and Placement Search

Need more information!? Come meet instructors and ask all of your questions at AP/DE night! See details below!