To sustain top performance levels and expand honors across the system, including the closure of academic achievement gaps and assurance of success for all student subgroup populations.
Strategies we commit to
Receive national recognition for academic accolades.
Earn top performance levels on all international, national, and state assessments.
Produce systemic closures to academic achievement gaps for student subgroup populations.
Implement collaboratively-developed and aligned curriculum and instructional frameworks that support teaching and learning in Preschool through 12th grade.
Ensure equity and access for all students to successfully complete rigorous coursework.
How do We Measure Success?
Kindergarten Readiness
K-12 Assessment Data (Kentucky State Assessment and selected standardized assessments)
Enrollment and Success Rates for AP, Dual Credit, and Career/Technical Education Coursework
Student Subgroup Performance
2024-2025 Focus Activities
Review, acquire, and implement high-quality instructional resources and materials on a regular cycle by content area:
24-25: Math
(Click here for full review cycle and upcoming content areas)
Incorporate project-based learning- Gold Standard PBL-Deeper Learning
Empower Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at each school
Analyze disaggregated achievement data based on student subgroup populations: Gender, Student with Disabilities, Minority Populations, Economically Disadvantaged Students
Achievement Gallery - artifacts that demonstrate focus
Where we are
Fort Thomas Independent Schools consistently ranks as one of the best in the state of Kentucky. Student academic achievement is where we shine brightest. All of our schools maintain very high levels of student reading and math proficiency, our student ACT scores are consistently well above the state average, and we offer a variety of opportunities for advanced coursework. Our district is committed to growth for all student subgroup populations and access to a rigorous, guaranteed and viable curriculum for all.
Click on the Meter to see Measures of Success.