Young Enterprise

"Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in."

Young Enterprise

Over the past four years, Folkestone School for Girls has offered the opportunity for students to challenge themselves and their entrepreneurial spirit by taking part in the Young Enterprise Company Programme.

Company Programme provides “a vehicle for young people and businesses’ growing need for adaptability and employability skills. It provides an experiential learning opportunity that introduces young people to the practical realities of the world of work.” Starting from initial ideas, students are in charge of managing every aspect of their business, from fundraising capital, to product design, to production and marketing and finally, competing against other schools in local and national competitions. It is an amazing opportunity for young people to be independent, show initiative and have fun running a business!

Previously, students have worked together to manage popular businesses that have included upcycled and original jewelry, tote bags and stationery.

This year’s team will be underway soon to return with another fresh and innovative business idea!

Our last year...

Our companies last year were T-22 (9A) who were aiming to set up a clothing company, Yukidaruma (9B) who focused on hand-crafted phone cases, and Jueri (9C) with their unique jewellery. Our teams worked hard on gaining practical business experience and key skills through challenging times – we started back in November 2020 and continued to plan, develop and manage all through the lockdown with weekly video meetings amongst the three teams. This undoubtedly affected our ability to trade, but with the support of our Business Advisors, the teams remained resilient. After much hard work, all three teams competed in the Kent Final, with Yukidaruma winning the South East Water Marketing Award for exceptional branding, marketing and communications.