
"Raise your words, not your voice.

It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder."

Debating Society

This takes place every Thursday lunchtime (12:45-1:15pm) in Room 803 (Penfold Building). Each week a debate is chosen to address a key issue in the news or a controversial issue of relevance to young people. Debates range from the benefits of Brexit to the pros and cons of social media.

Mock Magistrates

Students take on the guise of magistrates, lawyers, witnesses and defendants and role play real cases to decide on the outcome. Students gain points on the extent to which they know their brief and their ability to work as part of a team. The programme is offered to all Year 7s as part of the FSG Bacc but also can be undertaken in Years 8 & 9 as part of a national competition against other schools.

Public Speaking Competitions

The English Speaking Union and the Rotary Club both run national competitions which combine elements of public speaking and debate. Students work in small groups to present and defend a speech on a given topic, by responding to questions from opposing team members or members of the audience. Dates are advertised during the autumn term.

Historical Association Essay Competition

Students write and rehearse an essay on a given topic before presenting it to a panel of academics. There are questions from the judges and the audience. Prizes are awarded on the basis of students’ skills in constructing and communicating their ideas and responding to impromptu questions. Dates are advertised during the autumn term.

Debating Society

Find your voice.

Stand Behind it.

Change the world.

Being able to express yourself clearly, confidently and articulately is a skill that is widely valued by both universities and employers alike. But good communication skills go beyond employability and academia. Debating helps develop your interpersonal skills, your ability to listen and empathise as well as to persuade others of your views. Taking part in debating and public speaking competitions helps develop your confidence and learn from other competitors across the country. According to a leading provider of oracy skills and training, ‘Having the skills and confidence to speak up and believe in yourself has been shown to enhance our sense of happiness and well-being, preventing the isolation that comes from feeling side-lined.’ Having a voice matters and being able to express your views with confidence and clarity will set you up for success in life.

At FSG there are various ways in which oracy skills are developed as part of the extra curricular programme. They are open to all students from Years 7-13 and occur throughout the academic year.