
"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be."

Your FSGBacc Journey

In truth, this begins before you even join us as we will ask you about your interests and hobbies and get a feel for your exposure to climbing walls, mountain biking, archery and the like. If you can’t swim when you join us, then by the end of Year 7 we aim to have changed that!

Once you join us, you and your parents will be invited along to the school to see what we offer and try your hand at a few of our activities yourselves. Even though you can’t join the cadets until Year 8 you’ll see them in action and can register your interest; The same for Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme which begins in earnest in Year 9. You’ll be able to sign up for those activities that you are particularly interested in and to see and hear, first hand, a little more about The FSGBacc and why we think it’s so important for you and to our school. We’ll run transition camps at the start of year 7 to really set you off on your FSGBacc journey.

In years 7 and 8, The FSGBacc, will be a part of your school curriculum, with a dedicated afternoon once a fortnight. You’ll have a go presenting your own radio show, scaling the climbing wall to gain your SUMMIT award, on the mountain bike trail (GEARS award), archery (RANGE award), escaping from our ‘escape room’, Commando Joes problem solving workshops and more! Perhaps, too, you’ll have a role in our big school production or as part of our choir or in one our many community projects like Charivari or The Heart of the Wood?

In year 8 you can also sign up for our Combined Cadet Force contingent, a major strand to our FSGBacc offer.

Throughout this period you’ll keep a reflective journal on all that you have learned and the skills and attitudes you have developed. Your tutors too will comment on this broader aspect of your time in school as part of your school reports – and they’ll have access, as will you and your parents, to all that you have accomplished and taken part in.

At the end of Year 8 you’ll attend an FSGBacc overnight camp here at the school – with some fun activities and a chance to reflect on all that the first 2 years at FSG has brought you. We hope parents will join us for a celebration event as you receive your FSGBacc Junior Award certificates at Bronze/Silver or Gold level.

In year 9, your Duke of Edinburgh Award journey can begin and it is our strong hope and intent that all of you will join either CCF or complete DoE or both! Both could play a hugely transformational role in your life and will support you as you commence your FSGBacc Senior Award. You’ll work towards this over years 9 & 10 with the chance to continue to develop some of the skills you developed in climbing or archery perhaps, softer skills like leadership and oracy too. A chance to continue your DoE journey onto Silver award and you’ll also benefit from new experiences such as mock job interviews that you’ll need to prepare for. You might even be one of the select few who get to sail a tall ship across the channel as part of our tall ships adventure ‘Le Voyage’

In years 12 and 13, you’ll play a central leadership role in an aspect of our school which marries with your own interests, through our FSGAmbassador Programme. Perhaps you’ll support younger years as a climbing instructor, or with developing their cookery skills (we will even pay for Level 2 Certificate in Health & Hygiene to enable you to do this). Maybe you’ll be a Maths expert and can help students who struggle in the lower school or perhaps you’ll help student students at Sandgate Primary School or be a community volunteer and read and chat with residents at some nearby local care homes. At the end of Year 12 your contributions and commitments, your attributes and accomplishments will be recognised in the FSGBacc Advanced Award and you can write all about these as part of your supporting statement for UCAS, university and beyond!

We believe, that in combination with the academic qualifications you will have achieved at GCSE & A-Level, the richness of the global curriculum you’ll have studied and the values that we espouse that you will have had the GoLD standard in education – you will have GROWN, LEARNED and DEVELOPED. You’ll be strong, independent young women; ten feet tall, bold and spectacular; ready to take on the world!

FSGBacc Award Pathway

In order to achieve the FSGBacc award, you will engage with all four of our key areas: Performance, Skills, service and Careers. There is no one single pathway, but a bespoke journey where you can engage with a range of opportunities. We understand that all pupils are different, and that pupils thrive when they can follow their own route. The aim is simple, to build transferable confidence and prepare you, not just for exams, but to prepare you for life.

Wider World and World of Work

The FSGBacc Award

To recognise and celebrate all your achievements over your time with us, you’ll complete the FSGBacc Award programme.

  • At the end of year 8 you’ll achieve the FSGBacc Junior Award

  • At the end of year 10 you’ll achieve the FSGBacc Senior Award

  • At the end of year 12 you’ll achieve the FSGBacc Advanced Award

All are awarded at bronze, silver and gold level to reflect the achievements and commitments you’ve made in the field of personal development & character education, under 4 key areas.

Performance - activities could include dance, theatre and drama, musical performance, choir, debating or public speaking. Perhaps you compete for the school in one of our many sporting fixtures and have to perform under pressure? Perhaps you have a leadership role and are required to provide instructions to, or lead, others – Maybe as an FSG Language Ambassador – delivering MFL lessons to local primary students? Perhaps you are a presenter for Radio FSG? Or perhaps you are backstage - but still at the heart of - the big school production!! Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas and engage with others. Its an essential life skill and a big part of the FSGBacc.

Skills - this involves all FSGBacc activities such as mountain biking, archery, climbing, cookery or cheer. It also covers creative activities from coding, arts and crafts, writing, graphic design, film making and music composition and ‘soft skills’ such as teamwork or leadership.

Service - practical action in the service of others or groups, such as volunteering, litter-picking, fundraising, any structured youth programmes or uniformed groups like Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Guides, Scouts, Cadets and Duke of Edinburgh. You may help others in our school as a subject or peer mentor, a ‘buddy’ or as an FSG Ambassador in sixth form. Maybe you regularly represent the school at school events like open evenings. Maybe you have been the recipient of an unsung heroes award for your kindness and acre for others?

Wider World & World of Work Experience of working with our international school partners or through one of our Global Dimension Initiatives. Practical experience of the world of work, work experience or entrepreneurship. This may involve opportunities to meet role models from different jobs, to draft a CV and personal statement, to take part in a mock interview. Perhaps a career masterclass, or work experience or internship placement. Perhaps you’ll start your own small business as part of our tenner challenge or Young Enterprise programmes or gain leadership experience and skills as part of our FSG Ambassador scheme in sixth Form.