
“Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. It’s the rhythm of your life. It’s the expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.”


Dance has very obvious physical benefits – but it’s also great for your brain, your wellbeing and self-confidence.

You will make loads of new friends. Meeting new people is always fun, even if you already have a lot of friends. Dancing is a truly social activity and it will introduce you to lots of new people, from all different walks of life.

It builds self confidence. You might be a little self-conscious, when you first start learning, but the great thing is that in a dance class, you are all in the same boat. Once you get the hang of some steps, and you’ve taken a few tumbles too, you will never feel self-conscious again!

It improves your posture. Dance will help to improve your balance and posture. Dancing will show you how to hold yourself in a more upright position with a straight back and you will gain better control and coordination of your limbs. All this will show in your everyday life, as you find yourself walking with more elegance and poise.

It reduces stress. Dancing is a fantastic stress buster! You can literally lose yourself in dance, as the music and rhythms take you over. It’s a superb and fun way to work of all the stress of the day and you will feel much calmer and relaxed after a night out dancing.

It keeps you fit! Health benefits of dancing also include easier weight control. Dancing is a great way to burn off the calories and keep trim. It’s a wonderful form of aerobic exercise that doesn’t get boring and dance is often recommended as a way for people to lose weight.

Dancing increases your flexibility. If you get a twinge, when you reach up for something on the top shelf, then it might be time to take up dancing to bring back the flexibility in your joints, as improved body condition and better flexibility are also a part of health benefits of dancing. You might ache a bit, after the first few lessons, but your joints will soon loosen up and you will find that doing many day to day tasks starts to become easier.

It builds strong muscles. Dancing builds and tones your muscles in many different parts of your body. You don’t need to be throwing your partner over your head to benefit from dance either! Even the most graceful and gentle of dances will help to tone your body and keep you fit.

It will increase your coordination. It goes without saying that dancing can help improve your coordination, but you will be surprised at just how much. Dance teaches you how to coordinate your steps and arm movements, but it will also help to improve your hand-eye coordination too, as you learn to dance in tune with a partner.

It will increase your stamina. Health benefits of dancing also include improved stamina and regular dance sessions will gradually get you great results. It’s great to get yourself into the routine of exercising, because you can start off easy and gradually work up, as your proficiency in dancing increases along with your fitness levels.

Dancing is fun! Above all else, dancing is a lot of fun and there aren’t many things that are this much fun, and that do you good!