Policy Brief on the 5th and 6th CBD National Reports

Together with colleagues* from other initiatives such as IUCN Conservation Genetics Specialist Group, Conservation Genetics Group of the Society for Conservation Biology and the Genetic Composition Group of GEO-BON we compiled a scientific paper about how the 5th and 6th CBD National Reports address the genetic dimension of diversity.

We translated the PB into several languages. You're kindly invited to share and distribute

  • We thank the following persons for volunteering their time to create the translations, and we thank Kaitlin Kovacs (USGS) for help in design and production.

Afrikaans: Isa-Rita Russo, Cardiff University, russoim@cardiff.ac.uk

Arabic: Tarek Mukassabi, University of Benghazi, tarek.mukassabi@uob.edu.ly

Catalan: Sílvia Pérez-Espona / Ivan Paz-Viñas, Sílvia: The University of Edinburgh / Ivan: University of Toulouse: silvia.perez-espona@ed.ac.uk / ivanpaz23@gmail.com

Croatian: Lucija Jelaska, University of Zagreb, lucija.seric.jelaska@biol.pmf.hr

Dutch: Joachim Mergeay, Research Institute for Nature and Forest INBO, joachim.mergeay@inbo.be

French: Ivan Paz-Vinas / Joachim Mergeay, Ivan: University of Toulouse / Joachim: Resarch Institute for Nature and Forest INBO, Ivan: ivanpaz23@gmail.com / Joachim: joachim.mergeay@inbo.be

Italian: Cristiano Vernesi, Fondazione Edmund Mach, cristiano.vernesi@fmach.it

Portuguese: Erica Basto and Isa Pais, Erica: Animal and Plant Health Agency (UK Government); Isa: Cardiff University, Erica: ericabasto@gmail.com; Isa: gameiroaleixopaisi@cardiff.ac.uk

Romanian: Ancuta Fedorca, National Institute for Research and Development in Forestry Marin Dracea and Transilvania University, ancutacotovelea@yahoo.com

Spanish: Ivan Paz-Vinas / Sílvia Pérez-Espona, Ivan: University of Toulouse / Sílvia: The University of Edinburgh Ivan: ivanpaz23@gmail.com / Sílvia: silvia.perez-espona@ed.ac.uk

Swedish: Robert Ekblom, Uppsala University, robert.ekblom@naturvardsverket.se

Welsh: Hefin Jones, Cardiff University, jonesth@cardiff.ac.uk

Galician: Julia Sanchez Vilas, Cardiff University, sanchezvilasj@cardiff.ac.uk

Norwegian: Øystein Flagstad, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

  • We also thank Sarah Kim Pearson for organizing, writing, and editing, and for managing the translations.