CA18134 – G-BiKE

WG2 - Monitoring of genetic diversity


This working group will develop potential indicators and monitoring protocols for monitoring genetic diversity across time and space. The suitability of these indicators will then be evaluated and guidelines for a standardized monitoring protocol developed (identification of key species, sampling protocols, long term storage, data analyses). This will include informatic evaluation with simulated and large open access datasets.

WG2 Specific Objectives

- Identify effective and simple indicators of genetic diversity.

- Determine best practice for monitoring genetic diversity in time and space.

- Bioinformatic testing of indicators through simulation.

- Identify the most relevant species and areas across EU for genomic monitoring

WG2 Leader: Michael Bruford (

WG2 Vice Leader: Kristine Bohmann (


  1. Adriana Vella
  2. Alberto Pallavicini
  3. Alexander Kopatz
  4. Alexis Marchesini
  5. Alla Aleksanyan
  6. Ancuta Fedorca
  7. Andrew Lucas
  8. Arzu Karahan
  9. Barry McMahon
  10. Buki Rinkevich
  11. Carles Vila
  12. Christina Hvilsom
  13. Craig Primmer
  14. Dainis Rungis
  15. Dusan Gomory
  16. Elena Buzan
  17. Emina Sunje
  18. Eric Verspoor
  19. Felix Gugerli
  20. Frank Zachos
  21. Giulia Magoga
  22. Ilhan Altinok
  23. Ino Curik
  24. Ivana Drzaic
  25. Ivaylo Tsvetkov
  26. Jitka Uhlíková
  27. Joerg Kleinschmit
  28. Josef Bryja
  29. Joukie Buitevled
  30. Kristine Bohmann
  31. Laura Iacolina
  32. Laura Schuerz
  33. Linda Laikre
  34. Luca Cornetti
  35. Lydia Alvanou
  36. Maria Glushkova
  37. Marija Spehar
  38. Matteo Brunetti
  39. Matteo Montagna
  40. Melekşen Akin
  41. Mihajla Djan
  42. Mike Bruford
  43. Milomir Stefanovic
  44. Mirjana Sijacic-Nikolic
  45. Myriam Heuertz
  46. Natasha De Vere
  47. Nevena Velikcovic
  48. Nina Ciocarlan
  49. Nir Stern
  50. Noel Vella
  51. Paulo Cèlio Alves
  52. Peter Pearman
  53. Rigers Bakiu
  54. Rob Ogden
  55. Robert Ekblom
  56. Rolf Holderegger
  57. Sabrina Trager
  58. Sean Hoban
  59. Shirl Bar-David
  60. Srdan Keren
  61. Srdjan Stojnic
  62. Tamer Albayrak
  63. Tsipe Aavik
  64. Vaeceslav Ghenov
  65. Vlatka Cubric
  66. Zolt BECKEI
  67. Anna Papadopoulou
  68. Tomaz Skrbinsek