CA18134 – G-BiKE

WG1 - Implementing genetics into management


This working group will focus on the dissemination of genetic expertise into the applied conservation management. This is done in-situ by identifying the most common and relevant EU conservation and management themes and then characterising those topics where genetic/genomic tools provide a solution or for which genetic diversity is a relevant consideration (and is practical, affordable and reliable), specifically in relation to managing species and ecosystems under the Habitat Directive and Natura 2000 network.

WG1 Specific Objectives

- Identify major conservation themes relevant on an EU-wide scale.

- lineate areas where genetic/genomic tools can be most practical and relevant.

- Identify guidelines for harmonizing and standardizing protocols across EU.

WG1 Leader: Per-Sjogren Gulve (

WG1 Vice Leaders: Philippine Vergeer ( & Marija Spehar (


  1. Adriana Vella

  2. Alain Frantz

  3. Alejandro Valdecantos Dema

  4. Alexander Kopatz

  5. Alexis Marchesini

  6. Ancuta Fedorca

  7. Carlos Fonseca

  8. Charalombos Neophytou

  9. Christina Hvilsom

  10. Emilio Rolán

  11. Felix Gugerli

  12. Hojka Kraigher

  13. Ilaria Fracasso

  14. Ilhan Altinok

  15. Ivana DRZAIC

  16. Jitka UHLIKOVA'

  17. Joachim Mergeay

  18. Joerg Kleinschmit

  19. Josè Godoy

  20. Linda Laikre

  21. Lydia Alvanou

  22. Margarida Fernandes

  23. Maria Spehar

  24. Marjana Westergren

  25. Melekşen AKIN

  26. Mirjana Sjiacic

  27. Nevena Velickovic

  28. Nina Ciocarlan

  29. Noel Vella

  30. Ovidiu Ionescu

  31. Paulo Cèlio Alves

  32. Pauline Garnier-Gere

  33. Per Sjögren-Gulve

  34. Peter Pearman

  35. Philippine Vergeer

  36. Rigers Bakiu

  37. Rob Ogden

  38. Rolf Holderegger

  39. Sabrina Trager

  40. Santiago Gonzalez-Martinez

  41. Sean Kelly

  42. Shirl Bar-David

  43. Tamer Albayrak

  44. Telle Jaiirus

  45. Tsipe Aavik

  46. Vaeceslav Ghenov

  47. Vlatka Cubric