The G-BiKE's contribution towards the CBD post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: webinar series 2020

The path leading to the adoption of the new post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework of the Convention of Biological Diversity is composed by several preparatory meetings where CBD representative of each country member of the CBD (Parties) discuss the content of the general document to be adopted in the final meeting scheduled on fall 2021.

From the beginning of 2020, CBD has released some drafts of this document which, according to G-BiKE and other large international initiatives (e.g. IUCN, GEO-BON), are largely unsatisfactory in terms of the consideration given to the intra-species genetic diversity.

In order to promote a proactive involvement in this process, we decided to target the CBD representatives of each Party. Through specific webinars we aimed at explaining the fundamental importance of the gene-level biodiversity and at the same time, advocating three newly genetic indicators developed by several G-BiKErs in collaboration with researchers from many different countries worldwide.

This is the list of the hold webinars:

-September 14th, 2020: Europe and neighbouring countries. We had 31 attendees representing 14 countries

-October 7th, 2020: The Americas*. A total of 26 attendees representing 10 countries joined this webinar

-October 21th, 2020: Africa*. We had 20 attendees from 10 countries.

-November, 7th, 2020: Asia. This webinar was attended by 17 attendees from 14 countries.

  • translation provided by G-BiKE members

During these webinars through presentations and ample discussions we were able to present the main aspects related to the importance of genetic diversity for future adaptations and the need to introduce three specific genetic indicators in the next post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework of CBD.

All presentations and recordings are freely available upon request from:

Cristiano Vernesi,