Hitaveita Eskifjarðar
We went to the church of Eskifjörður and watched a presentation about the heating utility of Eskifjörður.
We learned where the hot water in Eskifjörður comes from and how it is stored. There are drills deep down in the reservoir that get hot water from the ground and store it in a big tan. Then the water goes to the civilians and they enjoy the plenty of hot water that they get.
To increase water in the system, more than half of the water used in the town is pumped back into the geothermal system again.
After the presentation we went to one of the heating utilities in Eskifjörður and got to see the drill and everything inside the house. The man showed us how everything worked and he even told us how hot the water was, it was 78 °C.
This was a very fun experience and we think that it is a great idea to teach kids how heating utilities work.