
In this project we met a lot of new, good and hopefully long lasting friends.  We did a lot of things together and we learned a lot from the Danish kids, and we really hope they learned something from us.  In school we did a lot of projects that strengthened our  skills to teamwork and work with other kids that we were maybe not familiar with.  Apart from the school we even went with them to the swimming pool, the sporthouse and the gas station.  We are really thankful that we can be a part of this project. 

Icebreaker bingo, Instagram orienteering game, Kahoot.

When we came to school on Tuesday, we started off by doing an “icebreaker" bingo. The bingo was in English, Danish and Icelandic and it was made so we could get to know each other and communicate with each other. We met each other and it was very fun. Then we played a kahoot that our teacher created about climate change, nature, Iceland, Denmark, Nordplus and especially about what we knew and what we had learned in this amazing project. 

 After the 20 minute break we played an Instagram orienteering game , so we had to walk all around Neskaupstaður and take photos of things such as the store and the school. We were in mixed groups with five to six kids. In all of those projects we were mixed with the Danish kids and we used a “random group generator” to make the teams. 

Helena, Óðinn and Hrefna