
We went to school like always, and watched a Ted talk about sustainable green energy. After the Ted talk, Tomas a techer in Bryndum school explained more deeply how it worked

Then there was a ceremony were everyone got a certificate for the project. And the teachers got presents.

We got to see their project wall. After that we played a game that the Danes always played, a very weird version of baseball. And the Icelanders demolished the Danes 13-2.

Then we said goodbye to the Danes. And took a bus down to Esbjerg center, and from Esbjerg to Billund Airport. There we took a short walk to Billund Airport Hotel, were we were staying for the rest of the trip.

After check in and putting our stuff in our rooms, we got some free time in Billund. Many kids went shopping in Billund, while others just relaxed at the hotel.

After the free time we had dinner at an Italian restaurant were we had pasta carbonara. It was also Óðins birthday so we celebrated that.

This was a great day, and everybody had fun! A great start for the weekend in Billund.