The Monopoly shop

Monopoly shop is a shop that is two km longer from Eskifjörður  than the silver rock mine. Monoply shop was a trading post where the fishermen and the farmers came and sold fish to the Danish salesmen who worked for the Danish King who owned the shop but the thing is the Danish salesman decided the price on the thing he bought and the thing he sold so everyone who had some business with the monoply shop lost a lot of money but there where some good salesmen who tried to put a fair price on everything. 

The famous Monopoly shop story.

There was once a danish salesman who worked in the Monopoly shop that is near Eskifjörður.

A danish fisherman came to the shop and told the salesmen that he could  lift some weights and walk with it one time around the shop. Priest came and asked the salesmen if he would want to bet on something then the salesmen told him that he has one man that can walk with very heavy weights one round around the house, then the priest said that he would find some one to lift those weights and walk with them around the house.

 After some time the priest came back with a man called Magnus strong man the priest told Magnus to lift the weights and walk with them around the shop then Magnus lifted the weights but he walked around the house not only one time but three times, so the salesman gave the priest his money. Magnus began to bet with the salesmen but Magnus won everytime so the salesmen sent a Lion, Bear and a black man to fight Magnus, so Magnus won the big fight and salesmen went to prison because he had taken so much money for the shop and lost it after all the bet he had made with Magnus.