
We woke up at 08:00 and had breakfast at Billund airport hotel. Then we had to catch a bus to go to Lalandia. The house was way bigger than we expected, it had many restaurants, stores, bars, minigolf, bowling alleys, sportshouse, hotel rooms, skiing hill, climbing wall, ice skating alley, tennis courts, arcade and a waterpark.

We started at the waterpark, and tried all the slides. It was very fun. There were about 10 slides. We went to all the slides so many times and we felt like children again.  After the water park we explored the Lalandia house and had a pizza slice at one of the restaurants. Then we looked at some stores and went to the arcade. We tried so many machines at the arcade but we only won some tickets but not enough for a prize. We also tried the bowling alley with some friends and it was very fun. 

We tried the climbing wall. We paid for 15 minutes and it was more than enough. The wall looked like a mountain and it was tough to climb, there was no support until you fell.

We got some free time in Billund and we used that time to relax and tan. Then we walked to the hotel and had dinner. There were multiple choices and we chose a vegetarian pasta. The teachers gave the hotel staff a gift and a hug for their amazing job and hospitality. They got an icelandic bracelet and some icelandic chocolate.

  The teachers decided to have a get together as it was the last night in Denmark, we played some games and chatted a lot. Some of the kids went outside after a few hours and had a quick walk for some fresh air. But then we had to go to sleep.