
Welcome to the Pre-K Family Focus Page

Highlighted on this page:

  • Quarter links to bring you to the I Can Statements for each units in that quarter. Click the link for each Quarter listed below.

  • Connecting Math with Pre-K children at home and around town

Unit 1

Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6

Unit 7

Unit 8

Unit 9

Unit 10

Unit 11

Unit 12

Connecting Math with Pre-K children

At Home:

  • Involve your child in everyday tasks that you have to complete. Talk with them about the numbers you come across and count things together. Give your child plenty of opportunities to count and identify numbers.

  • Play number games during everyday activities, such as counting the number of steps, the number of trucks you see while driving, or counting the number of items going in the laundry.

  • Read the calendar, and determine the number of days until an upcoming event.

  • Watch your child play to understand his/her mathematical knowledge. When your child counts, does he/she touch each object once? Is his voice in sync with his/her tag?

  • Have your child hand out cookies or toys to family members, with each person getting an equal number.

At The Grocery Store

As you wait in a grocery checkout lane, use the time to ask your child to discover math together.

  • Find items that are triangles, circles, rectangles, and other shapes with the items you have in your cart.

  • Discuss the shapes and how they are similar and different.

  • Have your child count how many of each shape container you have.

  • Practice number identification on items– ask your child to find a particular number or point to one and have your child tell you what number it is.

  • Counting number of items in the cart. How many boxes do we have? How many cans? How many foods are green? How many dairy items do we have? See if they can find the number of an item. You can also ask questions such as how many more or how many less. If you buy multiples of 1 item (such as 10 cans of cat food), practice counting by 2’s, 3’s, or higher numbers.

Math On the Go

  • While driving in the car, you can work on Number Identification on road signs and license plates. Questions to ask – “What numbers do you see?”

  • Counting Cars- How many red cars? How many blue cars?