School Counseling, Child Study Team, Student Assistance Counselor, Effective School Solutions, Nurse's Office

School Counseling

Supervisor of School Counseling and Student Wellness: Mrs. Brenda S. Gupta

Secretaries: Ms. Lisa D'Elia & Mrs. Kimberly Linn

Phone: 201-794-5450 ext. 2001

FLHS has seven guidance counselors who work with their students throughout their four years at FLHS. Caseloads are typically divided alphabetically by the students' last names.

The School Profile contains information about our community, student body and class offerings. It is sent to colleges each year so they can compare FL students against those from other high schools.

This document breaks down all the graduation requirements necessary to earn a diploma from FLHS. It also includes a complete list of all our course offerings and descriptions.


S.E.L. Program

FLHS prioritizes our students' mental health. Our Social Emotional Learning program offers psycho-educational groups for students to learn coping skills and other strategies for dealing with stress and anxiety.

Important resources and reading materials for parents of high school students.

FLHS offers its students several opportunities to earn college credit while they are still in high school. This document breaks down the different options and how they work.

Department Supervisor: Dr. Jonathan Hesney

Secretary: Ruth Ferrara

Phone: 201-794-5450 ext. 2019

Student Assistance Counselor

Mr. Matthew Markman

Mr. Markman is the high school’s Student Assistance Counselor (SAC). His office is located in the guidance suite. His job is to assist students having difficulty with issues of anxiety, depression, family issues, grief and loss, and substance abuse. Mr. Markman meets with students in a private, confidential setting within the school in order to address and find resolution to these issues. In addition, referrals to outside resources will be made available as requested and needed.

The goal of student assistance is to provide support to students struggling with various issues throughout high school. The SAC coordinates services between guidance counselors, outside agencies and parents in order to ensure the students’ well being.

Effective School Solutions

Effective School Solutions (ESS) is a state-of-the-art therapeutic program provided by the Fair Lawn school district which provides each participating student with high quality, individualized clinical and related services so that s/he can fully benefit from all that FLHS has to offer.

ESS offers an alternative to out-of-district placements by providing high-quality, in-school mental health care at no additional cost to you and your family.

  • Daily group therapy and weekly individual therapy, including specialized protocols for issues such as substance abuse and impulse control

  • Family therapy and support groups for parents

  • School avoidance interventions, including home visits

  • An independent lunch period with ESS staff to avoid the stress of unstructured time

Nurse's Office


x1011 and x1012

Joanne Marotta


Hila Gal


Welcome to the FLHS Health Office!

Our two Certified School Nurses, Joanne Marotta, RN and Hila Gal, RN look forward to working with you to create a healthy school environment!

The Health Office is available to answer your questions and assist you with:

  • Injuries/illness/PE excuses

  • Food allergies

  • School insurance claims: Bollinger

  • Immunizations

  • Mental health/emotional support

  • Screenings

  • Driver’s Permit Vision Screens

  • Other pertinent health information

  • Medications necessary during school hours

Please feel free to contact us at any time!