
What are Signposts?

They are useful websites, organisations, contacts which could help point you in the right direction of help for aspects of your mental health. Scroll down the page to find links to various support networks and organisations.

Mental Health Signposts

It can be frustrating not knowing where to turn for advice and help on Mental Health. Usually, you would have everyday access to your Pastoral Head, who may be able to direct you. However, that may be difficult just now. As such, please use the link below if you require some direction towards help with regard to your Mental Health.

Click here

The School of Life

This Youtube Channel prides itself on providing young people and adults alike with advice and information on the kind of subjects not typically covered in school. Schools provide curricular knowledge and understanding on things like English, Maths, Science etc. These are extremely helpful in gaining qualifications and obtaining a job. However, on a daily basis challenges will present themselves to us - ones which are not typically covered in school. This is where we can sometimes become stuck.

Check out the channel by clicking on the blue button at the side and navigate your way through the various videos.