Equalities Group

We are the equalities group. Our aim is to make our school a more accepting place for all groups. We also aim to create a space which informs people to help everyone be more accepting of their peers.

We have achieved the LGBT bronze charter award and we are currently working towards the silver charter award which we are hoping to achieve in the near future.

Recently we have celebrated various events which look to shine light on issues affecting equality such as Black History Month and Transgender Day of Visibility. Throughout our work, we have also made an effort to focus on the bigger picture by exploring and raising awareness of key themes such as mental health and autism awareness. We look to continue to our journey to make Braes a safe place for all.”

If you would like more information please speak with Miss Veldon. The equalities group meet:

Junior Group meets at junior lunch on Tuesdays in 301

Senior Group meets at senior lunch on Wednesdays in 323