
Making Braes an ACE and Trauma-Informed High School:


Why 'Making Braes an ACE and Trauma-Informed School'?

The term Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) is used to describe a wide range of stressful or traumatic experiences that babies, children and young people can be exposed to whilst growing up. The term was first introduced as part of the American Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. This study found that as the number of adverse childhood experiences increased for an individual child, so did their risk of experiencing a range of physical and mental health conditions during the course of their lifetime.

Some Mental Health organisations have reported that Covid-19 and its repercussions could be the next ACE.

However, the negative impact of ACEs and Trauma can be reversed through:

  • Awareness and understanding of ACEs and Trauma

  • Knowledge about where to find support at home, at school and in the community

  • Access to resources to help build Resilience

  • Involvement in programmes that support young people who have experienced ACEs and Trauma

  • Sharing of own ACEs experiences when/if ready to do so

For more information please visit Brace-Aware or feel free to contact our lead teacher Mrs Julia Liesse-Fernandes for more information.