
Welcome to Braes High School's Wellbeing Home

This website offers ideas about how to become healthier and happier and signposts to school supports, local organisations, groups and opportunities. There are many things we can do to look after our own wellbeing. There are also many things we can do to support the people around us.  

Navigate through the pages to learn more about the different aspects of Health & Wellbeing. Discover the support stuctures available in school and a wide variety of resources which will hopefully aid your mental, physical, emotional and social health & wellbeing.  

Taking care of and working on your Health & Wellbeing is of paramount importance if you want to be successful and happy and at Braes Brightside we are here to help.

If you would like more information or wish to discuss concerns please do not hesitate to contact your respective pastoral head:

Campsie - Ms Jones

Lomond - Mr Burns

Ochil - Mr Burnett

Pentland - Mrs Eckles

It is never too early or too late to work towards being the healthiest you!

Current Issue - Please find information on the latest supports available within our community to support Mental Health and Wellbeing. 


Our community mental health & wellbeing service provides information for children, young people, family members and partners on the supports and services provided in Falkirk for 5-24 year olds (26 if care experienced). Through Scottish Government funding, a number of face-to-face and digital services to help children, young people and their families access mental health an wellbeing support has been introduced. Click on the link or picture below for more information. 

Link to Falkirk Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Leaflet