Types of Health & Wellbeing

What is Health & Wellbeing and why is it important?

Health & Wellbeing encompasses your mental, physical, emotional and social state of being. Thats right - being healthy isnt just about eating well and going to the gym (your physical). You need to consider more than that.

Health & Wellbeing comes before everything else. Period. If you are not in the right frame of mind, in a physically well state, in a controlled emotional state or have access to friends and family then you wont be in a place to achieve anything else, as your focus and attention will not be 100% on that task.

As such, taking care of and working on your Health & Wellbeing is of paramount importantance if you want to be successful and happy.

Below is a video which articulates this well. Give it a watch. After that, navigate through the other pages to learn more about the different aspects of Health & Wellbeing.